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Then if you want to bulk up good job if not not a good job

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Q: What if i gain weight when you start adding 10 grams a week of carbs?
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Do you have to do low carb to lose weight?

It's not like that. When we are going to start our weight loss journey, we need to consume healthy nutrition food with all sufficient amounts of fats, proteins and carbs. When we are in diet, we can take mostly 60-80 grams of fats from our daily calories, 20-25% of proteins and the remaining we are consuming carbs. What I am saying, we have to maintain a balanced a diet with all need; reducing carbs alone is not well.

What kinda foods do you eat to gain weight?

carbs are good start. also fast foods

What are some healthy diet plans for weight loss?

I think that you can lose weight without really "dieting". I would start by cutting out high fat foods, sugar, and carbs. Then start excercising more.

How many grams of protein in a pork chop?

For a 6oz pork chop there is no carbs. Keep in mind if the pork chop is breaded then it will have more than 20 carbs and keep in mind with the spices. I recomend Ms.Dash for the people who don't want carb loaded spices on there porkchop!

What size weights should a fourteen year old use?

Start lifting with what you are comfortable with and then gradually start adding weight. Ex. start lifting 5lb, next week (or every other week) make it a 10lb weight

What are good components of a weight loss plan?

One of the best and foremost steps to start a weight loss is a good diet. Try avoiding carbs such as potatoes, white rice, pasta and bread. You will see a difference.

What are 3 bad things that could happen if you eat a lot of carbohydrates?

If you exceed your recommended daily carb intake then a lot of things could happen depending on how active you are, the kind of carbs you consume such as complex carbs which are good or the other kind of carbs. But in most cases, if you consume a lot of carbs and don't work out enough to balance your diet then your body will not be able to keep up with turning those excessive carbs into energy meaning it will store in your body in the form of fat. So you will you probably start gaining weight in the long run.

How many carbohydrates are in beef barbecue?

The steak itself has no carbs. Each ounce (28 gr) has about 38 calories and 6.5 grams of protein. See also:Eating healthily

Explain how you would find the solubility of a solute?

Start with, say, 100 ml H2O, and begin adding solute until no more dissolves. Record the mass (grams) of solute that dissolved and report solubility as grams/100 mls H2O.

How many calories is oven broiled 4 oz ribeye?

lots of em like try 500 depending on the size of it and if its somothered in onions or not but the smallest is like 500 on up and the grams of fat start at 54 grams but there's not really any carbs in meat so you could probably burn it off if you tried hard enough

How much does a 5 dollar gold coin weight?

A modern Gold Eagle bullion coin is 1/10th of an ounce, the older Liberty Head series coins weigh 8.359 grams.... so a $5 gold coin does not weigh an ounce to start with.

What is the unsaturated fat for popcorn?

It depends on what kind of popcorn it is. Air-popped popcorn (not cooked with oil) has only 1.1 grams of total fat in it. .1 of those grams are saturated, .5 of those grams are polyunsaturated, and .3 of those grams are Monounsaturated. Once you start adding oil, the fat content starts to go up. For example, movie theater microwave popcorn has 12 grams of total fat (2.5 of those are saturated, so 9.5 is unsaturated)!