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This would be all the more reason to stay out of trouble!

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Q: What if one Siamese conjoined twin does some thing illegal but the other one didn't Do they both go to jail?
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What is a Siamese like?

it is like they are conjoined to each other HAHA well my freind is a siemese but i dont like his conjoined brother, they always argue and always have to do things together haha

How did Siamese cats get their name?

I'm not to sure about this but I think that they got their name because Siamese, or conjoined, twins look the same, and every Siamese cat look more or less the same as each other. it is actually because the Siamese cat originated in siam, which is now Thailand.

When one conjoined twin dies can the other live?

Depends on how they were conjoined.

If i breed conjoined twins with other conjoined twins will there eventually be a 4 headed person?

Conjoined twins cannot be bred. This condition is not genetic.A set of male conjoined twins fathering children with a set of female conjoined twins will almost certainly produce children who are not even twins at all.

Why are twins called Siamese twins?

Chang and Eng Bunker (no relation to Archie) were the first pair to survive to adulthood. They were male and they hailed from Siam, hence the name. It is a congenital anomaly and is not linked to any specific ethnic group. The Hilton sisters appeared to be partly at least Italo-American. Conjoined twins is the preferred term. Siam (now Thailand) rejected the term as racist and asked other countries to not use that term.

How do babies get conjoined?

Sometimes an embryo splits after fertilization into two. This makes identical twins. When the embryo splits, but remains attached to the other, you get conjoined twins.

With conjoined twins do you give them 2 names or 1?

Conjoined twins are two people. They each receive a name, just like any other siblings.

What makes Siamese cats different to other cats?

Siamese cats are supposed to be more active and inquisitive than any other breed of cat.

Why are Siamese fighting fish fast?

It is an adaptation that they have developed to defeat other siamese fighting fish for mates and/or territory.

If you are a conjoined twin and one twin dies what happens to the other?

The other twin is unlikely to survive.

Will Siamese fighting fish fight each other?

Male Bettas are commonly called "Siamese fighting fish" because they have evolved in the wild to drive any other male of their species away from their territory. If two are placed in the same container and neither one can get away, there will obviously be a fight. The practice of doing this is very illegal in some countries. Yes. hence the name

What is the average lifespan if a Siamese cat?

my Siamese cat is 16 years old...was wondering if anyone else's Siamese cat has lived that long?AnswerMy Siamese is almost eighteen. The average lifespan for Siamese cats is fifteen to twenty years, but some are known to live longer than that. Siamese cats are known for having longer lifespans than most other housecats.