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Q: What if only half of the water vapor that the air can hold is actually in the air.What is the relative humidity?
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The amount of water vapor actually in the air is called the?

relative humidity (:

The measure of water vapor saturation of air is called what?

The answer is actually called: The mixing ratio.

What does relative humidity measure?

Relative Humidity is actually measure the amount of moisture in the air. It depends on how much of the air has water in it. Let's say that the RH is 50%, that means 50% of the air has water in it.

How does relative humidity work?

Relative humidity work with the amount of moist and water vapor that is all together.and that how all the vapor that is all together and that the type of moist that what call the relative humidity.

How are humidity and water vapor related?

Relative humidity is directly related to the amount of water vapor in air, and that's the relationship. The more water vapor that is in the air, the higher the relative humidity at a given temperature.

Relative humidity is the ratio of the amount of water vapor in the air to?

Type your answer here... Relative humidity is the ratio of the amount of water vapor in the air to

What is the amount of water vapor in the air compared to the amount that could be in the air at that temperature?

relative humidity

What humidity is a measure of the amount of vapor that air is holding?

Relative humidity

What is the differences between relative humidity and humidity?

Humidity is the amount of water vapor present in the air. The relative humidity is the measure of the amount of water vapor present in the air compared to the amount needed for saturation.

How is Relative Humidity Determined?

Is the percentage of water vapor that is actually in the air compared to the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold at a particular temperature.

The amount of water that actually exists in the air at a given time?

Absolute humidity refers to the amount of water vapor that exists in a given volume of air at a given time. Relative humidity is absolute humidity relative to the maximum humidity for the current temperature.

What is absolute and relative humidity?

Relative Humidity (RH), is how much water vapor is in the air at a certain time. Humidity, in my opinion, is just another way of saying how much water vapor is in the air.