

What if the coin had two buffaloes?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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It's a magic or trick coin an has little or no value.

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Q: What if the coin had two buffaloes?
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What are two example sentences for the plural of buffalo?

The plural form of the noun buffalo is buffaloes.The plural possessive form is buffaloes'.example: We found a buffalo's carcass beside the road. The buffaloes' predators hunt along their migration route.

WHAT is a number of buffaloes?

A herd of buffaloes.

Does buffaloes have hoofs that split in two?

Yes, a buffalo does have split hooves.

What are buffaloes?

Buffaloes are animals that eat grass.

Do buffaloes have udders?

Yes,famale buffaloes do.

What is a sentence for buffaloes?

Buffaloes are attracted to the color red.

When was Bramley Buffaloes created?

Bramley Buffaloes was created in 1879.

When was Orix Buffaloes created?

Orix Buffaloes was created in 1936.

When was Running with the Buffaloes created?

Running with the Buffaloes was created in 2003.

Can you give me a sentence using the word buffaloes?

Most of the American buffaloes were slaughtered during the 1800s. There are several types of buffaloes in the world.

How do you spell buffulos?

The correct spelling is "buffaloes."

What is is the collective noun for elephants?

Collective nouns for buffaloes are a herd of buffaloes, a gang of buffaloes, or a obstinacy of buffaloes. Collective nouns for elephants are a herd of elephants, a parade of elephants, or a memory of elephants.