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Gerbils secrete chemicals called porphyins from a gland by their eye, for various reasons. This is often mistaken for blood. If the amount is excesive and is forming a crust, the gerbil might be stressed. If it is only a small amount, then this is fine and nothing to worry about.

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Q: What if the gerbils eye is bleeding?
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If your eye is bleeding, seek help from a GP or go to a hospital to get it checked out. Cutting your eye isn't good.

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If you are bleeding from a swollen eye, you need to visit your doctor or the emergency room immediately. It is not clear what a definitive cause of this is, but it seems as if major trauma was inflicted on the eye.

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Take it to the vet.

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Got to the hospital.

Do gerbils have good eye site?

No.They can only see to about 3 1/2 feet.

Do female gerbils bleed when they have their 'period' there was blood in my female gerbils cage i cant find where it came from and she seems to be fine?

Gerbils do not have periods as they are oestral mammals and not menstrual ones like us. Some oestral mammals have a bloody discharge, but not gerbils. What you saw was most likely to be a smear of porphyrins from a gland near the gerbil's eye.

What do you do when your eye is bleeding while you have a headache?

Wot do u do