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If the outer orbital is not full of electrons, the atom is unstable. It will react with other atoms to fill its outer shell.

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13y ago

`They get more unstable and more reactive. hope I helped:) by the way im 12 so you all are pathetic

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Q: What if the outer orbital is not full of electrons?
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How many outer electrons does Al have?

Aluminum is in group III A, which lets you know that it has 3 electrons in its outermost orbital. Hope this helps.

Is the outer shell of argon full?

Yes it is . The outer argon is full becoz it has 18 electrons

Transferring or sharing electrons between atoms form?

Covalent bonds are formed when atoms share electrons. Let's take hydrogen for example. To be the most "happy" atoms want their outermost orbital full of electrons. Hydrogen has only one electron in its 1s orbital, but the 1s orbital can hold two electrons. Hydrogen wants two electrons to be "happy" so it will do what it takes to get them. If a hydrogen atom bumps into another hydrogen atom they can both become "happy" as each atom will share its electron with the other atom, giving each a full outermost orbital with the help of the other atom's electron. This is what creates the bond in covalent bond as the hydrogen atoms are "happier" together with a full orbital than they would be with a half-full orbital apart.

What is the properties of argon?

Gas. Extremely unreactive. EXPLANATION: It is a noble gas (inert). This means it has a full shell of outer electrons. Atoms spend their lives trying to get a full shell of outer electrons because it will make them really stable, and they do this by reacting with other atoms. Argon has a full outser shell of electrons therefore it is stable and unreactive.

Why can an atom lose electrons easily?

Atoms do not always lose electrons. Electrons can be gained too. Atoms always try to have their outer most shell filled, and some atoms such as ones of potassium can easily lose an electron rather than gain an electron. So it would lose an electron to a different atom so that it would have a full outer shell and the other atom would also have a full outer shell.

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Is valence electrons in the outer most orbital?

No. Valence electrons are the electrons in the outer most orbit (or energy level) and not in outer most orbital.

How many outer orbital electrons is found in an atom of Be?

Be (beryllium) has four electrons total: the first orbital, the 1s orbital, has two, which leaves two electrons in the outer shell.

What elements have four electrons in its outer p orbital?

The elements which falls under the group 16 has 4 electrons in its outer p orbital...

What is an atom that will lose or gain electrons until they have a full outer shell?

Anion (if it has an almost-filled outer shell) or a cation (if only the outer S orbital is filled or partially filled)

What is the most stable outer orbital arrangement of electrons after a chemical reaction?

The most stable outer orbital arrangement of electrons after a chemical reaction is 8 electrons. This is referred to as the octet rule in representative elements.

What is the full form of p orbital?

A full p orbital contains 6 electrons.

What are eletronics?

Valence electrons are electrons found in the outer orbital (shell of an atom) They are the electrons used for bonding

What element that has the same number of electrons in its outer energy level as silicon does?

Carbon and Germanium They all have 4 electrons in their outer orbital

Does helium have the maximum number of valence electrons in its outer shell?

Yes it does. Helium has 2 electrons in the s orbital. A s orbital can hold a maximum of two electrons.

How many outer-orbital electrons are found in an atom of Xenon?

Xenon is found in group 18. It has an electronic configuration of 2, 8, 18, 18, 8 and has eight valence electrons (or eight electrons in the outer most orbital).

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