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Chances are it would have become more unpopular back home and the progress made will probably be none due to the difficulty in finding the enemy.

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Q: What if the us stayed in Vietnam?
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If a Vietnam draft dodger stayed in the US what were the consequences?

The US Marshall's Service picked them up; in chains.

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Britain stayed out of it; they let Australia & New Zealand represent them.

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It was the only role. Otherwise the US would have stayed out of it.

What was England involvement in the Vietnam war Vietnam?

Great Britain stayed out of it. Australia and New Zealand fought in South Vietnam.

Where was the Vietnam war fought at mosly?

There were two wars: The air war over North Vietnam and the ground war in South Vietnam. The US Air Force and US Navy (aircraft carriers) fought the war in the North. The US Army and Marine Corps fought the war in the South. USMC jets supported their marines in the south. The US Army and US Marine aviation units, for the most part, stayed out of North Vietnam.

How many American soldiers stayed in Vietnam?

Around 20 million people survived the Vietnam War.

What did the United Nation do to end Vietnam war?

The UN stayed out of it.

How did the Vietnam war effect thd children in Vietnam war?

The soldiers there kind of stayed and married women there and they gave birth to vietnam-americans.

Should the American troops have stayed in Vietnam?

The majority of Americans were glad when the US withdrew from South Vietnam. The war was a disaster in terms of American casualties and opposition to carrying on the war grew stronger by the day. In retrospect, the US should never have intervened there or, left when the circumstances were not at the level of chaos.

Where did the US invade Vietnam?

The US never invaded Vietnam.

What positions did the military have in Vietnam?

US Navy cruisers, destroyers, and one battleship, blasted enemy positions from the gunline. The gunline covering South Vietnam was called "Dixie Station." The gunline covering the North Vietnamese coast line was called "Yankee Station." US Army/Marine ground units stayed in South Vietnam. Some US Air Force units were stationed in Thailand. Mainly the B52 heavy bombers.

What was the US connection to South Vietnam during the Vietnam War?

South Vietnam was considered an ally of the US.