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I will assume there are children. If so custody and visitation generally get heard in the court of the county the kids reside in. Also who filed first and who was served first has a lot to do with jurisdiction over who will hear the case. Don't ignore the other case! Get a Lawyer and tell them what you are up against. If they filed after they were served, chances are their case will be dismissed and the other will be the venue the case will be heard in. Good luck to you, I have the same issues at hand and getting a lawyer will help you understand and get both cases under control before time lines run out. Most times they merge the cases into one and a decision is made as to what court finalizes the case. But be honest no matter what, because if you lie or withhold anything from your lawyer you can end up facing fraud charges! And it could affect your entire case or even the custody and visitation of your children (if you have them).

If NO kids...same thing only take out the visitation and custody orders. GET A LAWYER TODAY! Good luck and God Bless. So many are fighting the same battle and this two court bologna is just needless fires being started and all anyone wants is for it to be over already!

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Q: What if the wife files divorce papers in Nevada where she lives and the husband files in California where he lives but works in Nevada?
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