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It could be the optic nerve. You should see an ophthalmologist right away.

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Q: What if there is something wrong with your visionwhich part of the brain do you think will be affected?
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egptians thought with there brain obviously every human being thinks with there brain unless they are programmed to think with something else which is impossible unless you are a robot ?? egptians thought with there brain obviously every human being thinks with there brain unless they are programmed to think with something else which is impossible unless you are a robot ?? egptians thought with there brain obviously every human being thinks with there brain unless they are programmed to think with something else which is impossible unless you are a robot ?? egptians thought with there brain obviously every human being thinks with there brain unless they are programmed to think with something else which is impossible unless you are a robot ??

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Because Somtimes we see other objects and feel like something is there but really isnt youre brain wants you to think something is there

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Brain is something that helps you to think to do and to write, no one can stay with out brain i mean everyone has a brain to help them to create things to make them interesting what ever you do your brain helps you to do that and to make it creative and understandable and when your test is hard your brain is helping you to think of a way to do that test very well brain is something genies!THANK YOU FOR READING THIS

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A stroke can happen in any lobe of the brain. I think the worst area one can have a stroke in is at the base of the brain, in back of the head.

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that something is to cold .

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I think and I KNOW that you can because you are hurting you brain and maybe something ekes but most likely yes because that is the resone you are hurting your brain

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through your brain because when you think of something you brain sends you a signal through you brain stem located in the back of your skull. it tells you what you should say.

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if you think it looks nasty or untasteful then your brain sends a message to your tastebuds which tell you it does not taste nice

What category is something that deals with the brain in?

I think it's pyscho, a Latin phrase meaning "mind". :)