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Q: What if turmeric solutions turns green?
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How does turmeric work as natural indicator?

Turmeric is yellow in acidic and neutral solutions; in basic solutions turmeric is red to brown.

Why is the colour of the turmeric indicator yellow if the substance is acidic?

I'd suggest (but couldn't establish it from literature) that turmeric powder is yellowish ocra in acidic 'solution', because it gives mustard (made with acetic acid) its yellow color, which is not redish-brown like curcuma is in neutral circumstance.Added:From one scource it says: ' In acidic solutions (pH 8.6) solutions it turns bright red.'

What color does turmeric turn ingredients?

Turmeric is red in basic solutions.

What is the neutral colour for turmeric?

Curcuma (turmeric) is red in an alkaline solution and yellow in an acidic solution.

Why does soap and lime juice solution turn red with turmeric?

lime juice and soap solutions turn red in turmeric because turmeric is an organic indicator which turns red in acidic or basic solution and lime juice is an acidic solution while soap is a basic solution

What is the effect of lemon juice on turmeric?

this is because lemon juice is an acid and when we mix with turmeric it turns magenta

What is the effect of sugar solution on turmeric solution?

when sugar solution is added to turmeric solution , it turns yellow.

How do you distinguish acids from neutral solutions with turmeric paper?


What might cause bromthymol blue to turn murky green?

If the solution is neutral, then it would turn green. B. blue turns yellow in the presence of acidic solutions and blue in the presence of basic solutions.

What is the effect of soap water on turmeric solution?

the turmeric solution changes into red in colour as turmeric solution is an indicator and reveals that soap solution is a base.

What is the color of turmeric indicator in hydrochloric acid?

Turmeric (curcumine) remain yellow in acidic solutions.

What is effect of orange juice on turmeric solution?

The color of turmeric remain unchanged.