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Adult croup is called Acute laryngotracheobronchitis. Basically, in layman's terms, this means symptoms will hit "from the throat, down the center, and to the level of the breasts". By comparison: 1. Bronchitis feels like a "cement block sitting between the shoulder blades" - i.e. mid-chest. 2. Pneumonia is often only one side of the chest and lower than the breasts, often in the lower lobes of the lungs. Acute laryngotracheobronchitis can turn into regular bronchitis or even pneumonia, if croup is left untreated.

Symptoms are like an extremely bad cold, except, the infected person has a bad "barking cough" (you'll never forget the sound once you hear or experience it). Babies and children usually run high fevers but adults have usually no fever or just a low fever. As well, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing are primary symptoms along with the barking cough.

Pregnant women with a history of Asthma or breathing problems are apt to be much more at risk and to get much sicker than people without lung problems.

The flu virus is airborne, not blood-borne. The virus cannot cross into the placenta. It cannot directly affect or infect a fetus.

However, adult croup can be dangerous. The glottis in the throat can swell making air passage difficult. Some adults end up temporarily on ventilators to help with breathing.

So to the fetus, the #1 risk is that oxygen will be less getting to the fetus. Once you are on treatments, that risk decreases. So do not ignore a barking cough-- get seen by a doctor.

You will need treatment at least symptomatic treatment. Because of the pregnancy, your doctor would need to carefully evaluate the benefit-risk ratio of giving the medicines. In a Related Link I discuss some treatments a doctor may prescribe but these drugs might or might not be used during pregnancy. Your doctor will know best.

Because of pregnancy, doctors may want to treat in the hospital if croup is severe or if nebulizing treatments (breathing treatments) cannot be done at home.

Of special note to pregnant women:

1. Heavy coughing may cause urine leakage. You may want to wear pads or sit on a folded towel. You'll feel better just to stay at home if this occurs.

2. Heavy coughing can make the ribcage ache. You might help this by hugging a pillow during heavy coughing spells, with the pillow used as a brace.

3. Sleeping flat is already tough for pregnant women. Use an extra pillow and pillows under your shoulders/arms to keep your body more up in the bed.

4. If you can, sleep on your side. It's easier to lift up from a side-lying position if coughing strikes when asleep. Laying on your side will also help prevent secretions from collecting at the back of your throat during sleep.

5. Although pictures show moms taking croupy babies into steam, like in the bathroom with a hot shower running, you may find breathing cooler air helps more. Steam air makes swelling in the throat worse. NOTE croup is NOT sinus or nose congestion (which steam helps)--- so steam is NOT best for throat-lung croup.

If symptoms get worse, go to an ER.

ALL croup is contagious. It can be spread from coughing. It can live in the air several hours or more. It can live a little while on objects but soap and water kills the virus on objects. Make sure to wipe doorknobs, countertops, and things other people will touch.

Above all, wash your hands frequently. Avoid having guests-- they can get croup from you. Call off work or school until you feel better. Keep up with prenatal care and ask your doctor about your concerns.

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