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You just get a restraining order.

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Q: What if you cant avoid someone you hate?
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How can you hate someone when you can not?

Hate is a very strong word and normally you have to have a reason to hate someone so if you dont have a good one then you cant hate them even though you might think you do. Hope this helps!

How do you avoid being hated?

Trust me no matter what you do someone is always gonna hate you, minus well give them a good reason to hate on.

What is hate about?

Hate is all about dislike, not wanting, feeling bad and just totally not needing something which already exists. If someone does not want/like someone then its most probarbly that they hate them or somthing related to hate. Hate is when you cant stand being around someone in the same room or even cant bear to hear them say anything. Its just that you dislike something very much and want nothing to do with it

If you hate someone should you kill them?

Unless the person is trying to kill you, or your family, I'd try to avoid it :P

Why do you hate global warming?

you cant hate global warming?!

How do you avoid a guy that you hate?

by not hating him.

How do you stop hate crimes?

Stopping hate crimes requires a multi-faceted approach that includes education, raising awareness, enforcing strict penalties for offenders, promoting acceptance and diversity, and providing support services for victims. It is essential to address root causes such as prejudice, intolerance, and discrimination through community engagement and proactive intervention. Working together as a society to foster understanding, empathy, and respect for all individuals is crucial in preventing hate crimes.

How do you tell people if you hate them?

Just tell it like it is. -------------------- * There really is no reason to be rude to anyone. If you dislike someone, simply avoid or ignore them. They will get the message eventually.

How do you avoid someone you love at school?

i love someone at school but i am not aloud to speak to them cos my family knows i cant go anywhere near himplz give me some answers

How can you tell if you have a love-hate relationship with someone?

if you find that u like a person at times and other times you just cant stand him/her. not like another person however, in this kind of relationship there is an equal amount of love and hate

How do you people hate you?

it's an emotion you hate them or you dont you cant choose that the enotion come by itself

What does the suffix pacif mean?

no i cant answer it i hate school