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You take tablet penicillin V 250 mg three times a day for ten days. This always cure the strep throat. In rare instances, when you can not tolerate the tablets due to vomiting, your physician may go for a single shot of benzathine penicillin injection.

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That can turn out to be serious mistake. You may land up with rheumatic fever after three weeks.

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Q: What if you don't finish antibiotic for strep throat?
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Is strep throat contastious?

yes. strep throat is extremly contagious. dont let anyone drink after you unless they want strep. i know cuz i get strep at least once a year.

Can i perform falacio on someone who has strep throat?

i believe any sickness or disease such as strep throat is bad for health, as long as you dont swallow the sperm you'll be fine

What does it mean when your throat has a tingly feeling like a soar throat?

If you feel fine its proably just a scratch or something in the back throat. If you dont feel to well then you have strep throght. If you have strep see a doctor immedially

If you have strep throat but am running temp of 97.5 What does this mean?

It just means you have a sore thoat but dont have strep throat. You probly just ate something spicy and your thoat is reacting to it in a way that is making it sore.

What type of pathogen is most frequently associated with strep throat?

from the streptococcus genus but i dont know which species specifically... it may well be a few streptococcus species :)

Where do you get strep throat?

You can get it if: - you are touching areas covered by a strep bacterias and then you touch your nose, eyes or mouth - through contaminated food - through sharing of contaminated dishes - if you are in room where infected person caugh or sneeze Mostly people are infectious before they have any signs of infection.

Is there a way to cure whats not strep throat with antibiotics?

I'm not sure of that but you can............................ *put 2 teaspoons of cayenne powder in with some water. and gargle. dont let it get in eyes. stir alot it likes to settle at bottom of glass. *this wont cure but it helps: use sore throat numbing spray by: 'cepacole' it makes throt feel weird at first. but helps minutes lata note: cough drops help ~kaylee2005~

Short terms effect from strep throat on the body?

Strep throat primarily affects children, especially those between the ages of five and 15. Adults whose immune systems have been weakened by stress or other infections are also at risk. Most sore throats are associated with viral infections such as the common cold or the flu. Strep throat is responsible in only about 10%-15% of cases. Many people carry Streptococcus pyogenes in their systems without even knowing it. It can survive in the lining of the throat or nose for years without producing symptoms. Almost 20% of people in general good health may be harboring this bacterium unsuspectingly, according to one statistic.Strep throat is often mistaken for a cold or the flu. It is important, however, to identify strep throat because if left untreated it can lead to serious health problems. In rare cases, untreated strep throat may increase the risk of developing scarlet or rheumatic fever. Rheumatic fever, in turn, is associated with meningitis and diseases affecting the heart, skin, kidneys, and joints. Strep throat may return repeatedly if not treated effectively the first time.Another reason for getting treatment for strep throat is that Streptococcus pyogenes belongs to a group of diseasecausing bacteria that produce superantigens. Superantigens are a group of toxins that have the ability to trigger excessive and abnormal activation of the body's T cells. T cells are produced in the thymus gland and regulate the human immune system's response to infection. Superantigens are being studied intensively for their roles in causing disease. Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus together produce 19 different superantigens.For the source and more detailed information concerning this subject, click on the related links section indicated below.

What type of Strep does not have symptoms?

I dont think there is strep that does not have symptoms. If you really need the answer to this question i prefer you go to that website has the answers to almost anything. Strep throat can have many symptoms, or hardly any at all. Since there are different strains of the virus, it depends on exactly which strain you contract. Once you've contracted the bacteria, symptoms usually show up within 1-5 days. For adults, symptoms may include unusual fatigue, sore throat, tender lymph nodes, and occasionally stomach upset. In children, symptoms are usually less severe. Some children can have strep throat and be completely unaware of it until it develops into Scarlet Fever. This usually produces and itchy, red rash all over the body, along with headache or stomach ache. <br>Although many people tend to think of Strep as the 'worst kind of sore throat', it generally is no worse than any other type of sore throat. It's not uncommon to have very few symptoms, or even none at all. If you've had a positive Strep test antibiotics are a must so that the condition doesn't worsen into something dangerous, such as Rheumatic Fever.<br>AmberNicole

Where do you get the shrink ray on mystery train island?

if you dont know how to finish it dont finish it

Can the school nurse get in trouble I have all the clasic signs of a strep throat but i dont have a fever Since I dont have a fever she wont send me home?

It depends on the school and it's ultimately the nurse's choice. From my experience, a nurse could send you home regardless if you have a fever or not. if something is wrong or you really feel sick, the nurse should be able to send you home

What is finish products?

dont no it x