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I am not sure exactly how it affects the puppy's digestive system, but it is not recommended. It may even make the puppy sicken or die. Go with powdered milk. If regular milk is all you have, I suggest that do not give it much, and warm it up a bit.

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Q: What if you feed a puppy regular milk?
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Can you feed your 10 week old puppy regular baby formula?

For the first couple of weeks your puppy should drink it mothers milk then liquid or mashed puppy food. So yes you can feed a 10 week old puppy regular baby formula.

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Any decent pet store should carry a puppy replacement milk, as well as WalMart, but you can also feed them Goat's Milk. Do NOT use regular cow's milk though - they can not process that.

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No,wait till they're about 6 weeks old.That is when I started to feed my puppy regular food and water and she too,was not on mother's milk.

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Very carefully. i think that you should feed the puppy milk but to make sure what you should really feed a motherless puppy take it to a vet doctor or call one and they can tell you the right thing to feed your puppy! so take care with what you feed the puppy before you take the puppy to a vet

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