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You are either really fat, or the home test is wrong. NEVER trust those things, go to a real Doctor and ask.

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Q: What if you look like your pregnant but the home test says your not and you had a period for a couple days?
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When miscarried 6 months ago your period is 4 days late done 2 home test both negative can you still be pregnant?

Yes there is a chance you are pregnant home pregnancy tests are not as accurate as blood tests. If your period doesnt come in a couple of days take another test or see your dr.

If a menstruation period usually starts on a Friday and lasts a couple days but then it starts 5 days earlier and is almost a light pink colour and almost has a mucous in it what could that mean?

you might be pregnant. have home pregnancy test. Good luck

Can you be pregnant if you had a period that lasted 4 days and now two weeks later i have cramps and also going to the toilet a lot and a pink discharge 3 days after my period?

Yes, if you feel that you could be pregnant you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see your Dr.

You were 10 days late on period and spotted very lightly for only 3 days could you be pregnant?

You could be. I would recommend taking a home pregnancy test.

Can you be pregnant 2 days late 1 day period 2 negative home pregnancy test?

Females do not get pregnant during their menstrual period. They get pregnant during ovulation. There are many reasons that your period could be late. Stress is one. If your still not happy wait a few more days and if you still don't have it go and see your doctor. He will perform a test and get rid of all your worries.

Could you be pregnant if you were two weeks late and then got your period for two days?

Yes, you could be pregnant. Whenever you miss a period you should talk to your doctor or take a home pregnancy test to be sure. The two days that you had your period could be implantation bleeding, which means that you are pregnant and the baby is implanting into your uterus which can cause the bleeding you might have mistaken for your period. If you are unsure take a home pregnancy test, if it comes back negative then you are probably not pregnant, but if you miss another period you should talk to your doctor and get a blood test, which is more accurate than a hpt, just to be on the safe side.

I haven't started my next period yet and was wondering if i could be pregnant would i have to wait till im late before i can take a test?

Sensitive home pregnancy tests can detect if you're pregnant 7-14 days after ovulation. Ovulation occurs approximately 14 days after the START of your last period. If you usually have regular periods (around 28-day cycle give or take a few days) and you have missed or are late on your period, a home pregnancy test should be able to detect if you are pregnant or not.

Can you be pregnant if your period was a week late and then bled for 2 days?

Yes you can be pregnant. Take a pregnancy test and visit your doctor. Yes, you can still be pregnant as what appeared to be a period may be bleeding associated with pregnancy. The best way to tell is to do a home test, which should be accurate by this stage.

You missed your period by 3 days and you have watery cervical mucus could you be pregnant?

If you have been sexually active over the past month you could be pregnant. There usually is an increase in cervical mucus when you are pregnant. But to be sure get a home pregnant test at the drugstore.

Can you conceive 4 days before your expected period?

You cannot get pregnant 4 days before your period. You get pregnant when you ovulate and that is usually 14 days before your period. 4 days before your period there is no egg to be fertilised.However, you can get pregnant 4 days before the theoretical date when you should be getting your period if your cycle was perfectly regular. You may ovulate later or earlier than usual at any time (it happens a lot) and you can get pregnant at any point.Regardless of when you conceive, home pregnancy tests usually work two weeks after conception. If your cycles are irregular and you are not sure when you ovulated or when to expect your period, testing once a week up to the moment when you get you period is a good idea.

Could i be pregnant my period is 18 days late but a home test is negative?

Yes you could be - go see your OG/GYN to make sure

Cramps and breast tenderness 12 days before my period and had a positive home pregnancy test and a negative blood test done?

You're not pregnant?