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The wage base limit for social security tax withholding for 2008 is $102,000. The withholding is 6.2%, so the maximum per employee for the year is $6,324. Any amount withheld beyond that limit due to multiple employers is available as a credit against your income tax. If one employer erroneously withheld excess social security tax, that employer should make the correction.

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The answer depends on your age and whether you're referring to Social Security retirement or disability benefits.

If you reach full retirement age this year, the earning cap will be lifted on the month of your birthday. If you have earned income exceeding $37,680 for the year, your benefits will be reduced by $1.00 for every $3.00 earned beyond that amount.

If you are a year or more below full retirement age, the maximum earning is only $14,160, and your benefits will be reduced by $1.00 for every $2.00 earned beyond that amount.

The excess income is fully deducted from your benefits beginning in January and continuing until the overage is completely offset -- in other words, you may not receive a Social Security check at all for several months, depending on how far over the maximum you've gone.

On the plus side, you probably continued paying into the Social Security fund while you worked, which can result in an increase in future monthly benefits paid.

Maximum Earnings, Retirement

If you've reached full retirement age (65 for people born prior to 1943; 66 for people born between 1943 and 1954), there is no limit to how much you can earn.

In the year you reach full retirement age, you can earn $37,680 annually, but for every $3.00 over the limit, $1.00 is withheld from your benefits until the month your reach full retirement age.

If you are under full retirement age, you can earn $14,160 per year without incurring a penalty. For every $2.00 over the limit, $1.00 is withheld from benefits.

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How much does social security cost per year?

For 2008, the maximum social security tax withholding for an individual is $6,324, the tax on $102,000. For 2009, the maximum social security tax withholding for an individual is $6,622, the tax on $106,800.

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Social security recipients do not get a W-2 form. At tax time recipiants should receive a Form SSA-1099 for Social Security benefits paid.

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You are required to have paid in at least a total equaling 90% of your total income tax paid in the previous tax year. If you do not have at least that much paid and applied to your tax for the current year through withholding and estimated tax payments then you will be subject to a tax penalty plus interest.

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