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It matters weight and tolerance and food eaten, But definitely damage to stomach lining and liver, probably will also throw it up, nothing good will come from it, don't do it.

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12y ago

Kicks in faster then if you take 2 also works the same as hospital grade

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Q: What if you take 4 Advil pills at the same time?
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Can you take zzzquil and Advil at the same time?

Zzzquil and Advil can be taken at the same time. Zzzquil's active ingredient is diphenhydramine which is an antihistamine that causes drowsiness. Advil is a pain reliever/fever reducer that contains Ibuprofen. Both of these medications are safe to take together.

Can you take Ativan and sleeping pills at the same time?

Ativan is a tranquilizer, and so are sleeping pills. I doubt that you should take them at the same time. Aks your doctor to be sure.

Can you take advair and Benadryl at the same time?

Gas and Nausea from the Advil. Dipenhydramine will make you sleepy.

What if you did not take the 2 pills azithromycin at the same time will it still work?

No; it probably will not work when not taken at the same time.

Can you take pills cefuroxime with amoxicillin?

Yes, It states on cefuroxime that do not take water pills, and do not take blood thinners...Ex. (Warafin, Aspirin) Even though aspirin is in the same class as Advil (NSAIDS) it isnt as strong and is safe at low doeses not high doses. Best case scenario wait awhile do not take them both at the same time wait a hour or 2 after taking one or the other.

Can you take Advil and naproxen at the same time?

Absolutely, It is a mild pain killer/muscle relaxer is typically what it is used for.

Can you take birth control pills and use conceptrol gel at the same time?

Yes, you can.

Can you still have your period if you do not take the sugar pills?

Yes, you will still have your period if you don't take the sugar pills. The pills have no effect on your cycle. They are like a place holder to keep you in the habbit of taking your pills at the same time every day.

What happns when you skip pills but bleed between periods?

Do Not skip pills. That will take away the effectiveness of the pills. Take it every day at the same time and you won't forget. If you forget one, the next day take two, but don't make a habit of it.

Can I take Tylenol cold head congestion tablets with advil?

It is technically safe, however there is pain releiving medication in Tylenol Cold already. If the pain relief from Tylenol Cold is insufficient you could take ibuprofen with it.

Can you take lotensin and Advil at the sAME TIME?

There is potential for the Advil to reduce the efficacy of the Lotensin and thus your BP may go up. Best avoided unless you really need to. If you do use both then keep monitoring your BP closely.

When on your last week of birth control pills do you take all of them even if your not on your period?

This answer comes from my gyno: The sugar pills are simply "reminder" pills. They are included in the pack so that you can stay on schedule and not have a hard time remembering to take the active pills once you start week 1 for the next month. If it helps you, you can take one sugar pill each day at the same time you would take your normal pill. What I do is simply throw one sugar pill away every day of that 4th week, but i do that at the same time I would take my active pills so that once I begin the active pills again I remember to take them at that time every day (granted, I have a terrible memory!). Whether or not you're actually bleeding is irrelevant.