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Q: What if you think the noncustodial parent is not disclosing all of his income?
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In the state of Washington is there a law that says a noncustodial parent has to pay 50 of daycare.?

You should talk to a lawyer.However, I don't think the law specifically says 50% of daycare. However, the law does require the noncustodial parent to contribute to the support of the child, so financial arrangements can be imposed on the noncustodial parent to meet the child's needs within the parents' means. (Thus, the noncustodial parent might well have to pay for 100% of such things.) And this may well mean that the noncustodial parent has to provide enough funding for daycare if needed. Still, it is essential to talk to a lawyer and come up with a formal support arrangement between the two parents to avoid legal disputes in the future.

Can noncustodial parent relocate to another state without courts permission?

I think so, however you will need the courts permission for the child to visit you and leave their home state.

Can I claim earned income credit for my child while the other parent claims him as a dependent?

i think you can

Typically is a noncustodial parent required to pay for half of braces?

In very basic terms the noncustodial parent is only required to pay child support and for the child's needs when in their care so no legally does not need to pay half of anything else the custodial parent wants for their child but morally does your child need braces because of medical reasons (as apposed to cosmetic reasons)? Can the other parent not afford them by themselves? This is your decision unless the custodial parent went through their lawyers to see if they could get a court order to get you to pay but I dont think that would happen as that costs a lot of money in itself.

Can the noncustodial parent file for full custody?

Yes of course. Unless the custodial parent is unfit the judge would not just change it though but there is also shared custody. It's up to the court to decide.

How is child support determined when custodial parent is married and unemployed?

I do not think that all states are standardized yet but in Nevada it is 25% of the non custodial parents income for the first child and then an added amount of something like 3% for every additional child. The custodial parents income or marital status does not factor in at all.

Paying child support i think child has been adobted do i still owe?

It might not seem logical that a noncustodial parent be required to pay child support for an adopted child, but laws vary widely from state to state. Your best bet is to find a good family law attorney.

What do you do if you think noncustodial dad takes children to his friends house to do drugs?

You can make a request that the court give him a drug test.

What age can a minor child refuse to visit a non custodial parent in Ohio?

18. Until that age, the court order must be followed (and I'm assuming there is a court order for visitation). The child does not have the option of refusing. If there is a *legitimate* reason that the child does not want to have contact with the parent, then the custodial parents needs to go back to court and request that the court order be modified.

Your 14 year old child refuses visitation with noncustodial parent?

Ask the child how he or she feels about that parent, and if they reveal anxieties or fears, think of ways you can reduce those stress factors. This is a teenager we're talking about, there is a possibility that he or she is simply rebelling. However, there may be some deep-rooted issues that the teen has with the parents, and before any progress can be made, those issues have to be addressed. Good Luck!

Can a noncustodial parent stop the custodial parent from moving out of the country?

i think the real question is whats best for the child which i think is too often not asked - if your job keeps you away from a young child for long periods of time, if its possible you could be deployed without your child, then perhaps its best for the child to be with the other parent - rather than think what you want please do consider the best interest of the child - please do talk it out with the other parent and your child and do whatever is the best thing for all

Does the noncustodial parent have to pay child support for the two weeks visit during the summer?

My children are with me the entire summer and I still have to pay child support, while supporting them when they are with me. I called the child support dept in Pennsylvania and was told the other parent could sign a letter stating they would forego the two months of support....and do you really think that person signed a letter to not receive free money....good luck, it's a crooked system.