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No, the one who adopts will be the one who's the guardian of the child.

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Q: What if you wan to adopt a kid but your not old enough can your parents adopted for you?
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How do you know john cena adopted a kid?

John Cena didnt adopt a kid

How do you adopt a kid on virtual families?

The kid will knock on your door and it will say "Your character hears a soft knock on the door and it appears to be an abandoned child" Would You Like To Adopt it? Click YES and you will have an adopted kid. (all adopted kids are 3 years old).

Can a guy get a kid?

Yes, single parents can adopt as well. Both men and women.

How many kids did Ella Fitzgerald adopt?

one kid she adopted from her half- sister named Frances Da Silva.

Is Justin Bieber a foster kid?

heck no

Can i adopted a child of 16 years of age?

It depends on how old you are. most adoption agencies prefer that you are at least in your 20's before you adopt any kid. but yes you can adopt a child of 16.

Did Rachel Carson adopt kids?

No, Rachel Carson did not adopt any children. She was a biologist and writer known for her work in conservation and raising awareness about the dangers of pesticides.

Why does my mom get money each month from the government for me being adopted Why did she get money from them when I was her foster kid?

When you were still a foster child the biological parents are still obligated to pay for your expenses. Many people have many foster children because they want to and because there is a need but that does not mean they would otherwise afford to have them all so they have to get their expenses paid. If you are adopted now there are financial assistance the parents can get when they adopt a foster child. This is because otherwise they would still look for a family for you if your mom could not afford to adopt you since when you adopt a child you are usually not getting a anything. This assistance is there to help children who are in good families to stay there - permanently.

Where do you adopt a kid on sims 2?

Click on the phone, then click on "Services" and then "Adoption Services" then it'll tell you if you are suitable enough to get a kid. The the game will tell you the rest.

Should parents that adopt their kid be able to have contact with their kid?

when you give your child up for adoption you are doing just that. giving your child up. you will not have and shouldn't have any contact with that child

How do you get a cell phone as a kid?

Show your parents you're responsible enough to have one.

Does kid rock have an adopted kid?
