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Yes, that is normal. The curvature of your penis is normal as well. Your penis is a part of your body like everything else, it is not perfect!

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Q: What if your 15 and you have just started puberty your penis is 4inches is this average also it curves to the left and then bends down near the head and you are not cicrcumsised?
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Can your growth spurt comes late?

Your puberty growth spurt will happen depending on when you started puberty. If you started puberty late then your growth spurt will be late.

Why isnt your voice getting deeper after you started puberty?

It can happen at any time during Puberty but usually in the latter stages around 15 or 16-years-old. Puberty lasts on average around 6 years for boys so you need to be patient.

How do you get your period started?

Reach puberty.

How much semen does an average 12 year old male ejaculate?

At that age you will not have any unless you have started puberty early. Everyone is different.

What is the average bra size of a ten year old?

There is none. Most 10yo has not started puberty yet so no breasts. All girls grow differently so there is really no average.

Your nipples became tender and hurt when you touch it and you have not started puberty. What does it mean?

You probably have started puberty, you just haven't started your period. This is completely normal. Breast tenderness is a common symptom during puberty and can last for quite sometime. It is different for everyone.

When does Puberty end for a boy when you started around 8 or 9-years-old and you are 10 now.?

You started Puberty earlier than most boys your age if you are sure of this. On average it will be around 12-13 but everyone is different so some start early, some average and some later on. Puberty for boys usually lasts around 6 years but again this varies from boy to boy so try not to compare yourself with anyone else.

How long does puberty take once you've started?

Once puberty has started their is no definite time period it will take. On average the body will make gradual changes over the course of a couple years or so. During that time it's crucial that you stay in great shape and keep your body healthy.

When you get your period does it mean you are officially done with puberty?

When you get your first period, it doesn't mean that puberty is over. It means that puberty has just started.

Is this normal for a 13 year old during puberty?

13 is the average age for boys to begin Puberty. Not all boys start at the average age, some earlier and some later. Don't worry about if others have started and you haven't as you will catch up soon enough. Everyone is unique and different to each other. Puberty can take 6 years to finish !

When will your breasts be normal?

depends on when you started puberty.

Is started your period the time of puberty?
