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In this case you should break up with your boyfriend and try to stay friends because you are only going to hurt yourself if you stay with someone when you truly like someone else. You should also take a chance with the other guy and if he turns you down then he does not deserve you. Good luck!

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Q: What if your boyfriend really loves you and i like someone else but i dont want to ruin things for both of them?
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How can you tell your boyfriend loves you?

If someone really loves you(your boyfriend) he would tell yuou that you are purdyyy. oh and he should do things for you even if you can clearly do them for yourself. he'll seem interested in you that way ndd it keeps everything cool.

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Someone that cares enough to find out who she really is & then loves her anyway.

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It all depends on who that someone is. If that someone is related to, then thats to be exspected , But if that someone just so happens to be another male , then you should think about how you feel about him. If you really love your boyfriend and your boyfriend really loves you thats all that should matter.

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You'll know your boyfriend loves you when he holds your hand in front of his friends.

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It depends no what your definition of 'bf' is. 'Bf' could be best friend or boyfriend. If it is your best friend, then its because he doesn't really love you. If its your boyfriend, then he's not really your boyfriend, is he? If your boyfriend doesn't say he loves you or even admits to it, he's not really your boyfriend.

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Things that is useful to her. Things that she loves.

Could you ask if your boyfriend loves you?

You can ask your boyfriend if he loves but if he does not respond he probably is nerviest or he does not then he does not love you or he is dating someone alse .

How can you know that your boyfriend really loves us or not?

If he asks you out.

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Ask him, if he really loves you, he probably will.

What do you do when your boyfriend leave you to see if he really loves you or not?

If he already left you, the answer is no.

Did your boyfriend love you?

Well to really tell that he loves you is if he says it!

How do you no if your boyfriend loves you?

you'll just have to trust him <3 and if he really loves you he wont let you go and he'll prove it that he loves you