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If you normally feed your cat only canned or moist food, then the cat could be getting enough water from its food. If it is eating dry food and not drinking water, you might need to take the cat to a vet or find a way to entice the cat to drink more, such as a pet water fountain, or to feed more wet food.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Have you ever heard of the saying, 'cats are finicky. Well they are. They may eat one type of cat food and not eat another. Try them on a different type of cat food.

There is an exception, a sick cat. My cat got sick recently and wouldn't eat. Just laid around. I went to the vet and got some antibiotics, which I gave to my cat. The cat started to perk up and in about two days was doing better.

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8y ago

your cat maybe ill. i am not a professional but my cat had the same problems.. id advise you to maybe go to the vets or phone them up and ask.

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15y ago

dead cat

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Q: What if your cat is eating but not drinking?
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Because they are digesting the food and I don't think they gag all the time.

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You have to take it to the vet. Treatment differ based on reason they don't eat or drink.

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First, make sure that the cat is eating and is eating healthy cat food and is drinking plenty of fresh water. Then, look for vitamins and minerals in the foods, and maybe calcium- or protein-fortified products, too. If you want, get some cat treats and give the cat a treat here and there.

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Your cat is trying to get your attention. You also might want to take him to the vet if he isn't eating , drinking water, or exercising as much as usual.

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Take him to a vet.

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all organisms need water, or some form of liquid. r u sure ur cat is still alive?

Cat depressed how serious it could be?

Hi, Of your cat is depressed i would go and see your vet if it gets really bad i.e if your cat stops eating then defffo go and see your vet but it could stop eating drinking or could just be down in its self you know when your cat is down because you will notice a difference in their behaviour! Hope this helps =)