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Employment laws vary from state to state. You would have to consult the laws in your specific state. Most provide a requirement for some type of break for meals and rest.

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Q: What if your company has made yourself and 2 other employees work 730 Am to 615 Pm shifts with no lunch-break or any other breaks?
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Do salary employees get a lunch?

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A human resources job includes ensuring that the company is following the contracts and the law in the way it treats employees, including aspects such as pay, breaks and implementing grievance procedures.

How a company increase the working time of employees without increase the pay?

A couple of ways to increase employee productivity is to monitor paid breaks and un paid breaks. As an example if you have 10 employees who each day return from their paid or unpaid a total of six minutes on average per employee that is 1 hour (60 minutes) you the employer is paying for that is un productive lost time each day.

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Can an employer request that their employees speak Spanish during their breaks and lunches?

depends on if they are in Spain or not

Does a company in Alabama have to give breaks to employees who work on Saturday?

Alabama does not have a law requiring employers to give any breaks to employees no matter what days they work....There is no federal or Alabama state law mandating that an employer must allow for any meal breaks or other breaks, regardless of the day of the week that is worked.For information on federal labor laws concerning paid breaks, meal breaks and other breaks, see this website:http:/ information on Alabama state laws concerning meal breaks or other breaks, see this website:, here is an additional website that combines information on federal and Alabama state laws into a comprehensive summary:

Can an employer take out time from my hours worked for breaks that I don't get?

An employer can require you to take breaks, but cannot deduct time for breaks and then prevent you from taking breaks. If time is being deducted for those breaks, you must be allowed to take the breaks. However, if you have decided not to take breaks because you want to be paid more money, then that is your own doing, it is not the employer's fault. You are being given breaks, so take your breaks. Requirements for breaks vary by jurisdiction (which is to say, the law doesn't work the same way in all locations) but it is quite usual that there is a labor regulation that requires employers to give breaks to employees, and if employees don't take those breaks, it will then appear that the employer is breaking the law. That's why the employer may insist that you take breaks.

Are employers required to give breaks and lunches to salaried employees?

Yes. It is part of the employment laws

Is downtime at work considered a break?

The answer to this question depends largely on the the state in which one lives. Some states do not require employers to provide breaks to employees, and therefore, it is up to the employer to dictate the terms of employee breaks. Some states require employers to provide breaks to employees doing certain types of work or working in certain industries, but not others. Some states require employer to provide breaks unless the employee has sufficient "downtime." Lastly, some state require all employers to provide employees with breaks, regardless of how busy they are while working. Identifying the state in which the employee works would permit a more complete and accurate answer.