

What if your fish tank is fogging up?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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13y ago

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You need to get out half the water and the fish clean the filter if you have on then put the fish back in and try not feeding them as much that's probably what is making it fog up.

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Q: What if your fish tank is fogging up?
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Yes you do need a filter in your fish tank ifyou don't the tank will build up dirt and the fish will die. Also when you get a fish tank you need to clean it out then fill it with water then put the filter in and wait 24 hours. This helps to ensure that the tank is somewhat stable before adding fish.

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A good general measure is imagine lining up all the fish in a row in your tank. So lets imagine your tank is 20 inches long, you could have 20 1 inch fish.

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clean the tank, go to the pet store and you can find fish tank cleaners. just make sure you dont suck up the fish

How much work would owning a fish tank and a lot of fish require?

The bigger the tank, the less work. I keep a 29 gallon tank with a plecostomus catfish, 3 cories, and about 10 to 12 tetras. I gave up on cichlids as they are ornery, and chase and bite other fish. Istarted with a 10-gallon tank, and it was very frustrating. Then I found out that a small tank is the hardest to keep healthy. You will need to clean the tank every 2 weeks by sucking up fish poo from the bottom with a syphon that you can buy at the fish store. You will need to do water replacement every 2 weeks . . . virtually everyone does this when water is sucked out of the tank, anyway, for cleaning. You will need to scrape the green algae buildup from the inside of the glass and from the bottom of the lights about every 6 to 8 weeks. Feed the fish at least morning and evening, but ONLY enough that they can eat in a half hour. I use flakes. For the bottom feeders, feed them once a day with a few sinking pellets per day. If you have plants in the tank, they will require feeding and trimming occasionally. You may have to deal with bacterial or ammonia fogging once in a while, but they should be controlled by the 2-week cleaning and water changing. Fish can develop illnesses like " Ich ", which can be controlled with a chemical in the water. And so on . . . Keeping fish is not for someone who wants to work at it "Once in a while".

What do you do if your fish tank really stinks and why does it... ive had the tank set up for about a week with fish in it i know it probably has something to do with cycling the tank...?

Make sure that the filter bag that is in your filter is clean. The cause can also b too many fish or over feeding.