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He disregarded and disrespected your wishes. Normally, that would be a hurtful thing. If you feel hurt, you have the option to forgive him, or the option to not forgive him. If you don't forgive him, the emotional stress will start to wear on you, and stress your relationship even more. It won't get any better. If you forgive him, you'll get out from under the emotional stress and will have created an atmosphere of hope and reconciliation for the future. You will also have opened yourself up to being hurt again. They are not easy choices.

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Q: What if your husband and you are still married and while you were away he asked another woman out to fill your spot at a dinner function you said you did not want him to and he still did?
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if he leaves after dinner

Should a husband prepare dinner for his wife?

YES...because preparing a dinner from each other is also one of our quality as married couple.

When you have accepted a dinner invitation is it OK to leave early to attend another function?

It is only etiquette if you have contacted the host or hostess to let them know you will accept the dinner invitation, but you will have to leave on the early side to attend another function. If you accepted the dinner invitation and later the other function came up then it is rude not to stay for the dinner and leave early.

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Have dinner on the table at the same time every night

Is going out to dinner cheating?

ANSWER: It depends if this person is married , going out to dinner is already a date. But if this dinner is all about close friends or co worker it is not.

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dinner. easy, yummy dinner!

How many relationships start at work when the man is married and says she's only a friend even if she's married too?

Answer There are a lot of affairs started at work, but don't go crazy thinking a husband is having an affair. My husband is friendly to the women in the office where he works (he works out in a yacht yard) but, I know he's not having an affair. More than likely she is just a work friend to your husband. If you have reason to believe otherwise then phone her at work and invite her and her husband over for dinner and watch what type of behavior is going on.