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If you are an adult then your parents cannot prevent it. If you are a minor it is likely your parents are acting in your best interest.

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Q: What if your parents wont let you be with the one you love?
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either wait until you grow up to get one or runaway from your parents.

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I recommened NOT getting a Facebook until your around 13-14. If you try asking your parents and your younger than 13 or 14 they probably wont let you have one.

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well u should always be good and maybe thay will let u so me perfect!

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Just say that it is just one present that i wont open on Christmas.

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Ask them why and say why is it such a bad thing,it doesn't hurt myself or others,I should be able to have one without your permission

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dont keep on begging and begging because they will get annoyed and think your not responsible enough to have one. ask them from time to time and let them know your doing well in school and that getting a blackberry wont affect your grades because you wont be on it ALL the time ;)

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she love me but same she wont get marry with some one how i can fell her love

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i went through that experience and it was terrible. all i have to say is you'll get one. my parents were never gonna let me, but that's what they wanted me to think. really, they got me one for Christmas _______________________________________________________________________ make your parents watch that Opera episode where she talks all about the puppy mills, they will start crying and go rescue one.. its such a sad

How can you try to convince your parents to have a boyfriend?

Ask them why they wont let you have one. Then explain your side of the story. Let them meet the boy and make sure he has a good impression on him. If that doesnt work then you can just hang out with him at school or something.

Your parents wont let you have a hamster and stop cruelty?

Well It Could Be That They Think Hamsters are Not clean well tell them this A Hamster is actually one of the cleanest animals in the world

How do you make your parents take you to the beach?

Your parents wont let you go to the beach? I've never heard that before. Well, if you do the chores and remind them each day hat you want to go, they just might take you. ====================================================== One does not "make" parents do anything.