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If you mean you were bleeding for more than 14 days, I would go see a doctor. If you meant your entire cycle was more than 14 days, that's normal. It should be around 28 days. Hope this helps answer your question. If you are still unsure, resubmit your question with more detail. Or call a doctor, they'll have more answers for you.

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20y ago
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14y ago

Periods can be delayed for a whole number of reasons.

They don't always follow a 28 day cycle, periods can range from a 24-35 cycle every month.

Some women never follow a regular pattern.

Stress, Birth Control, the morning after pill, or pregnancy can also delay a period.

If you are concerned that you may be pregnant, wait a week and take a pregnancy test.

Good luck!

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9y ago

The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, but that doesn't mean that your menstrual cycle is that long - your cycle might be longer, in which case this is normal. Anything up to a weeks variation from your average menstrual cycle is completely normal so nothing to worry about.

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15y ago

28 days cycle is the average. Normal period duration can vary tremendously.

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Q: What if your menstrual period is longer than 7 days?
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When you're 17 and on your period, how long you have to wait until your period is finished depends on your body's menstrual cycle. The average menstrual cycle lasts between 5 and 7 days however, they can be shorter or longer than that.

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The average menstrual period lasts around 5-7 days but a little longer than that is not unusual - if it lasts over 14 days then it's recommended to see a doctor. Your menstrual flow isn't supposed to have clots, most of the lumps seen in menstrual flow is larger pieces of uterine lining, they're not always present.

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The length of a menstrual period is typically between 4-7 days, so although 4 days is on the shorter end of the scale it's still perfectly normal. It is also normal for your period to vary from one cycle to the next, so even if your menstrual periods are normally longer than this the occasional shorter period is still nothing to worry about.

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A menstrual period usually lasts between 4 and 6 days, however this is just a guide and can vary greatly. Some periods may only last 3 days and some may carry on for longer than a week.

Is a menstrual cycle of 33 days OK?

Yes, having a menstrual cycle of 33 days is completely okay. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, this is only a few days longer than that so still well within normal range.

What does it mean if your menstrual cycle is more than 35 days?

It simply means that you have a 35 day menstrual cycle, nothing more than that. The typical menstrual cycle is 28 days but everyone is different so some women have longer cycles.

Is it bad to have your menstrual cycle longer then 4days?

No, it isn't bad to have your menstrual cycle longer than 4 days. The term menstrual cycle means the reproductive cycle, which is typically 28 days long. If you mean menstruation then this is normally between 5-7 days long but a little shorter is fine too.

Why does your period change dates?

The calendar is a man-made invention, your body has no way of knowing what date it is to know when it 'should' be ovulating or menstruating. When you menstruate is determined by your menstrual cycle, your menstrual cycle may be longer than a month (not to mention different months have a different number of days), menstrual cycles can also vary by up to a week or your cycles can be longer when you're stressed. You determine when your period is due based on your cycle, not the date.

Can you get your menstrual non-stop for a month?

Yes sometimes it is possible for your menstrual cycle to last longer than seven days. If this becomes a habit, visit your doctor.

Is a 32 days of menstrual period normal?

A menstrual period lasting 32 days is longer than the average cycle length (usually around 28 days). It could be normal for some individuals, but it is generally recommended to consult with a healthcare provider to rule out any underlying issues causing the prolonged bleeding.

Why is your menstrual cycle lasting longer than 30 days?

mine appears to be 40 days or more at the moment and im really worried