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Then you will begin ovulating again, and there is a chance of pregnancy if you are having sexual intercourse.

The pill only works if taken every day as prescribed.

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Q: What if your take you only take the birth control pill for a month and stopped taking it?
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Can you be pregnant if you stopped taking your birth control pills a month and a half ago?

Yes it is possible, take a test!

Can you get pregnant if you didn't have any sex and you have stopped taking birth control pills for over a month?

If you did not have sex, their is no possible way for you to be pregnant. If you had sex, and then stopped taking the birth control pills then you may be in trouble. If what I understand is true, you are definetely not pregnant if you haven't had sex. Maybe get tested to be sure?

If you stopped your birth control last month is it ok to try and conceive this month?

The traditional birth control pill does not pose any risk to a developing fetus even while you are on it (that is, the pill is not 100% reliable, and if by some small chance you get pregnant while you are on it, then the baby will not be harmed by the fact that you are taking the pill), so all the more so a month after you've stopped taking it, it's fine to try to get pregnant.

What is wrong if you have stopped taking birth control for the past month and are due for a period in five days but for the past two weeks you have been nauseous with headaches and you feel fat?

This can be caused from the withdrawal from the birth control pill or because you are pregnant.

What if you stopped taking birth control and the following month your period only lasted for 3 days?

A three-day period may be your new normal, may be a fluke due to recently stopping birth control, or may be due to pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test.

Trying to have a baby Stopped taking birth control pills about a month ago had a period immediately after two and a half weeks later and have a back ache and spotting why could this be?

Sounds like ovulation.

I just stopped taking birth control do to heavy bleeding while on it and still haven't had a period for about a month and a half and have taken 4 tests and all was negative what could be wrong?

a month and a half is something to see a doctor about, but from expirience coming off birth control you can sync up with other girls, which pushes back your regular cycle.

I would like to stop taking birth contol when is the best time in my cycle to do so?

well, i start to take the birth control pill. i took one month, but i stop taking the pill the next month. what happen did control your period or not what is the risk.

How long does it take to get pregnant if you stop taking the birth control injection Petogenafter taking it for one month?

3, moñths

What if you're on birth control and it comes time to start your period and you don't but you did earlier that month?

No worries. Just continue taking the birth control pill as scheduled.

You were on birth Control for about a Month Then Stopped taking it The took about 3 pills then had unprotected Sex Could you be Pregnant?

Hi Yes there is a chance you could be pregnant. Perform a pregnancy test 3 weeks after you last had intercourse.

You stopped taking birth control six months ago and you just got your period twice last month and you want to get pregnant again?

Check out the fertility awareness site and if that doesn't help see a doctor.