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You may not be able to see the cavity--the dentist often uses magnifying glasses and a pick--in addition to xrays--to see them. Make an appointment to visit the dentist.

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Q: What if your tooth hurts but you dont see a cavity?
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What are the symptoms of a tooth ache?

well its not a disease a tooth ace is when ur tooth hurts thats all if it hurts alot i suggest u go see ur dentist

What does a hole in a tooth mean?

A hole is a cavity, it means that the tooth is rotten or rotted. If you see a hole it is past time to see the dentist. You should also be brushing more often.

What can cause a tooth to hurt?

A Tooth AcheAnswerYou could have a sensitive tooth, cavity or possibly an abscess. I would make an appointment to see your dentist.

Should you fill a cavity immediately or is it better to wait?

Of course it is better to fill it immediately and stop any further damage to the tooth. Why would you wait? So the cavity can get bigger? So the whole tooth rots away so you don't have to fill it?

How do you know a tooth has died?

You don't really know, unless you have a large cavity and you can see that the insides are black or gone. and do you think you have a dead tooth? EWWWWW.

What do you do if you have a huge painful cavity and part of your tooth broke off and your adult tooth is right underneath the cavity tooth?

Go to the dentist they will probably numb it and then pull it out or they will take your tooth out and sew it back up and then put it back in but that's normally only for permanent teeth (:

If your jaw hurts and it affects your tooth do you go to the doctor or the dentist?

I recommend going to see a doctor. If the pain was coming directly from the tooth, then I would recommend the dentist.

Dentist made a hole in your tooth from side to see cavity is that fine?

No that is not okay, its like saying let me drill through your foundation to see if there is a leak!

What does it mean if you have a pink tooth that is starting to chip?

It means you have a very bad cavity and should see a dentist right away

Is it bad to brush your cavities?

No you can't. You can only get rid of a cavity if you lose the tooth.

I got elbowed and a tooth got bent backwards. I repositioned it quickly and it hurts a lot. What should you do?

go and see a dentist

What happens when you touch your teeth on the left side and it hurts?

It could be several things, but if you have a tooth on that side that has a filling, it implies the tooth is abscessed. See your dentist sooner rather than later.