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Most of them.

If you're a kid looking for an answer that your teacher can't dispute, go with anything that's genetic. Those are inherited, and therefore can't necessarily be "caused" by anything that happens to the person environmentally. ;)

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Q: What illness is not caused by stress?
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Prolonged amenorrhea can lead to infertility and other medical problems such as osteoporosis.If the halt in the normal period is caused by stress or illness, periods should begin again when the stress passes or the illness is treated.

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This coloration indicates stress. The stress may be caused by an inappropriate environment, by being recently moved, by being handled too much, or by illness. Loss of appetite also indicates stress or illness.

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You send them to the doctor. It could be caused by stress, illness, medications, or other reasons.

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Cancer is not caused by depression and stress. No one knows exactly what causes cancer cells to 'turn on'. Depression and stress can, however, exacerbate any illness. Best to see a doctor for a full checkup and get a referral for treatment for the stress and depression.

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Sinusitis is not caused by mental illness. Mental illness can be caused by sinusitis infection.

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How to avoid or treat a hyperglycemia?

Hyperglycemia is caused by too much carbohydrates, not enough insulin or periods of illness and stress. You can avoid it by balancing your carb to insulin ratio, and treat it with insulin.