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Q: What immunoassays detect abnormal antigen in a patient specimen?
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What information must be included on the specimen labels for the specimen to be accepted for analysis?

date of the patient

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Can patient of Australia Antigen have the physical relationship with spouse.

Why do you need to label the patient name on the specimen container?

So that the content of the container and any tests performed on it can be related back to the patient form which the specimen was taken.

What specimen from a TB patient would the acid fast stain be performed on?

The specimen is taken from TB lesion

What does the presence of the Rh antigen mean?

Rh antigen, which is also called D antigen, indicates if the blood type is positive or negative. The presence of this antigen indicates the patient is Rh positive, the absence of this antigen reflects a blood type of Rh Negative. For example, if a person is O Positive, the Rh antigen is present.

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Name date of birth and time

What is meant by cath spec?

A "cath spec" is a catheterized urine specimen. Most urine specimens are voided specimens when the patient attempt to collect the urine while voiding. The risk of contaminating a voided specimen, with skin bacteria, is high even when the patient is careful. Therefore, a catheterized urine specimen is considered a reliable urine sample.

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