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Q: What impact can human activites have on bodies of water?
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How bodies of water impact human settlement?

Bodies of water can provide key resources for human settlements such as drinking water, transportation, and food sources. Coastal areas often see higher population densities due to access to fishing and trade routes. However, bodies of water can also pose risks such as flooding and waterborne diseases, influencing where and how settlements are established.

How do humans affect the cycles in nature?

Humans affect the cycles by performing certain activites. They cut down trees, pollute water bodies.

How does droughts impact humans?

Hey questioner, droughts impact on people because our human bodies require water which the dry spell (drought) takes away. We also can't clean ourselves, water the garden, drink and survive etc.

How does human interaction impacts the nitrogen cycle?

Humans impact the nitrogen cycle by burning fossil fuels, dumping waste in bodies of water, and using fertilizer.

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Do your bodies have water in them?

yes. the human body is made up of MOSTLY water.

What percent of water does human bodies contain?

97% 97%

How does water help human life?

it hydrates our bodies by supplying the blood with oxygen

What is the amount of water quantitativel y in the human body?

approximately, 60% of our bodies are made of water (H20).

What is the human impact on ocean biomes?

One human impact is pollution which causes deoxification. This takes oxygen out of the water and can kill some of the marine life because there is not enough oxygen in the water to help them live.