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When you introduce a foreign species into an ecosystem, they may be better equip to survive than the native species. They may steal the niches of other organisms, and lead them to extinction.

For example, the Australian Rabbits were introduced into Australia years ago. Only 12 were, I believe. Since they had no natural predators, and an abundance of resources, they multiplied. Now, there are millions or rabbits in Australia, and they have caused so much damage and cost them millions of dollars. Not to mention they were better suited to survive than other organisms, leading other animals to the brink of extinction. A similar case exists with the Africanized Honey Bee's Mexico and much of the South.

In short, they are able to steal resources from the native species since they are better suited to survive in that environment.

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Q: What impact can the introduction of exoctic species by humans have on an ecosystem?
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