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It restricted the rights of African American citizens and was the catalyst to segregation

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Q: What impact did Jim Crow have on life in the south after reconstruction ended?
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Did a black create Jim crow law?

Jim Crow laws are a backlash against Reconstruction policies after Reconstruction ended. Most African American lawmakers were unseated before the Jim Crow laws were passed.

Who was the president at the beginning of the Reconstruction Period?

Lincoln until his death in April 1864 and then Johnson. Hays ended reconstruction to get the presidency and that resulted in Jim Crow laws and discrimination for a 100 years.

How did reconstruction affect the south and north?

The South resisted reconstruction by passing special laws, like the Black Codes and the Jim Crow laws, in order to keep blacks down in a status practically the same as slavery.

How did the south resist reconstruction policies of the radical republicans?

By passing special laws like black codes, and the jim crow laws.

What was the main cause for the end of reconstructure?

Actually reconstruction ended with the election of Hayes in 1877. The election was a tie and Hayes made a deal with the committee who decided the presidency. The deal was he would end reconstruction and this decision actually affected policy for the next 100 years. By ending reconstruction early the southern states were able to institute Jim Crow Laws which made discrimination an government policy. Without the early end to reconstruction the south may have been a different place and it took the 1964 Civil Rights act to overcome Jim Crow.

Why did Southern states begin passing Jim Crow laws when Reconstruction ended?

Jim Crow laws stated through racism targeting African Americans. The laws sought to keep blacks and whites from socializing in public places.

Who is Jim crows?

Jim Crow was often used to describe the segregation laws, rules, and customs that arose after reconstruction ended in 1877 and continued until about the mid-1960s.

What did President Andrew Johnson want after the Civil War?

To allow the South after the Civil War to segregate and basically force freedmen back into virtual slavery. So when you hear Radical Republicans, realize that it was Johnson that ended reconstruction and allowed for Jim Crow Laws, so yeah thanks revisionist historians.

When did Jim Crow laws end?

jim crow laws ended in 1964 or 1965 because the supreme justice lifted it

What types of laws disfranchised African Americans after the reconstruction?

The Jim Crow laws

What event ended the reconstruction?

Hayes made a deal to end reconstruction if he was given the presidency. When he was sworn in he pulled all federal troops from the southern states effectively ending reconstruction. This opened the south to Jim Crow laws and discrimination against former slaves that lasted another 100 years until the civil rights laws were passed.

Why did the post-war South create the KKK and how did the KKK influence post war society?

Confederate veterans and former plantation owners who were negatively impacted socially, politically, and economically resented what they considered the severe and unfair restrictions of Reconstruction. The KKK formed as a secret society to terrorize African Americans, Carpetbaggers, and Scallywags into submission. It worked for the repeal of Reconstruction, and, eventually led to the Jim Crow laws passed when Reconstruction ended.