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Gutenberg invented the printing press. At the time (circa 1450), it was not a huge success. There was resistance from the Church, which wanted to restrict what the average person could read, and from the scribes who controlled which kinds of information got committed to writing and then disseminated. However, soon, the value of the printing press became obvious. It was the first step in mass producing books (and other printed materials like pamphlets and newspapers): once the printing press became a fact of life, authors could get their books out to the public more quickly (and in larger quantities); and readers did not have to wait for a scribe to create one copy at a time. The printing press also put an end to the monopoly the Church had over which information was permitted to the reading public. Now, books on a variety of subjects could be type-set and published, rather than just the hand-written manuscripts controlled by the Church.Many sources say Gutenberg's invention was essential to the Age of Enlightenment, when so many new ideas were flourishing.

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Q: What impact did Johannes Gutenberg have on mass communication?
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Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing the printing press around the year 1440. His invention revolutionized the spread of information by making the mass production of books and other printed materials possible.

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my bumm lol xx

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