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The South's whole economy was based off of exporting goods such as cotton to places like Britain and France. When the Union blockaded the South's ports, the Southern economy took a turn for the worst. Sooner or later Robert E. Lee would have to march his troops into the north to steal supplies because the southern government didn't have enough for them.

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Q: What impact did blockade runners have on the south confederacy in the beginning of the war?
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What was the impact of American Civil War on the cotton supply?

The Northern blockade was the biggest factor, preventing the South from exchanging its cotton for the war supplies it needed. At the beginning, the South decided to withhold cotton from the world market, to encourage other countries to intervene on behalf of the Confederates and break the blockade. This turned out a blunder, as there was a glut of cotton on the market just then, so no country really felt the pressure, and by the time they changed their policy, the blockade had become highly effective.

What impact did the Emancipation Proclomation have on the civil war?

Kept the British and French from granting recognition to the Confederacy and sending military aid.

What political impact did the norths victory at Antietam have in the us?

The Britisn had been taking this battle on Northern soil as the test of Confederate viability. If Lee were to win, they would grant recognition to the Confederacy and send military aid. If they did this, France was likely to follow. This would have made a big impact on the war.

Why did both the Union and Confederacy care about British neutrality during the civil war?

Both the USA and CSA were concerned with where the British allegiance lay as their (the British) entrance into the war on either side could have had a major impact on the outcome. For instance if they would have sided with with the Confederacy, then they more than likely would have won, but if they would have sided with the Union, the war could have been over faster.

Compare and contrast the economic impact of the civil war on the union and the confederacy?

The South was far more economically impacted by the Civil War because more of the South was destroyed by the war, and the abolition of slavery forced the South to adopt a completely new economic system.

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What were the effects of shermans march?

Sherman's March to the Sea, led by General William Tecumseh Sherman during the American Civil War, had a profound impact on the Confederacy. The march aimed to destroy the South's ability to wage war and break the morale of its people. It resulted in widespread destruction of crops, livestock, and infrastructure, causing significant economic and psychological damage to the Confederacy.

What was the most significant impact on the home front?

British naval blockade

What was the impact of general sherman march in the fall of 1864?

Despoiling of the rich farmland of Georgia, helping to starve the armies in the field. Wrecking of the railroads which served the Confederacy. Sherman able to live off the land, and free to forget his long and vulnerable supply-line. Confederate civilian morale devastated; Union morale revived, helping Lincoln to get voted back. Liberating of the blockade-runners' favourite port of Savannah. The war shortened by many months at almost nil casualties.

What made early Union blockade efforts less effective against the Confederacy?

Even a perfect Union blockade against the South would not have quickly ended the war. The Southern territories were so large and so self sufficient, that initially the blockade needed time to make an impact. As time passed and more ports were closed, a quick surrender was then impossible. This was because that the South had to win its war for independence or be devastated. On the other hand, the North, could "lose" and continue to prosper.

What impact did the Berlin blockade have on the allies?

The Berlin Blockade was supposed to cause the allies to give up western Berlin to the Soviet forces, but instead the allies constantly airlifted supplies past the blockade until it was lifted.

What impact did the blockade have on the South?

Prevented them exporting their plentiful cotton in exchange for war supplies.

What was the impact of American Civil War on the cotton supply?

The Northern blockade was the biggest factor, preventing the South from exchanging its cotton for the war supplies it needed. At the beginning, the South decided to withhold cotton from the world market, to encourage other countries to intervene on behalf of the Confederates and break the blockade. This turned out a blunder, as there was a glut of cotton on the market just then, so no country really felt the pressure, and by the time they changed their policy, the blockade had become highly effective.

What event most likely had the biggest impact on German citizens on the home front?

the british naval blockade

Which event most likely had the biggest impact on German citizens on the home front?

British naval blockade

How was the final outcome and impact of the civil war?

The civil war ended with the union army defeating the confederacy.

What was the impact of the Civil War on foreign affairs?

Throughout the Civil War, the Confederacy attempted to get European support for their cause. However, their links to the institution of slavery prevented them from becoming successful. When the Union created a blockade of Southern ports, the Confederacy believed England, due to its dependency on cotton for its factories would join the cause. However, Britain had no intention of creating a situation that might involve war with the United States. Britain as well as other European countries, began obtaining their cotton from India and Egypt.

What is impact zoning?

its where you start after you crash in the beginning of the game