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Q: What impact did federal reconstruction policy have on the former confederacy and on ex- confederates?
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Which bill barred former confederates from holding public office?

The second reconstruction plan

What was not a requirement of former Confederates states under the Reconstruction Act of 1867?

They would be divided into military districts headed by union generals

What caused congress to take a more active role in reconstruction after the civil war?

a concern about Black Codes and the return of former Confederates to power

What did Abraham Lincoln's planes for reconstruction call for?

Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction was simple for Confederates to took the Oath of Loyalty and follow all federal laws pertaining to slavery those who did so were given general amnesty ... Reconstruction plans allowed former Confederate States to form new governments and constitutions, as long as ten percent (10%) of their voters supported the Union during The 1860 Presidential Election ...

What accurately describes an important difference between congressional Reconstruction and presidential Reconstruction?

An important difference between congressional Reconstruction and presidential Reconstruction is the level of power and authority given to the federal government. Congressional Reconstruction, led by Radical Republicans, sought to assert strong federal control over the South to protect the rights of newly freed African Americans. In contrast, presidential Reconstruction, led by President Andrew Johnson, favored a more lenient approach with the states having greater control over their own affairs and offering amnesty to former Confederates.

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What was the name that the former confederates gave to the southern republicans during reconstruction?


The 10 years after the civil war when the government tried to repair the south?

Reconstruction; in 1877, the US began removing Federal troops/administrators from the former Confederacy.

Which bill barred former confederates from holding public office?

The second reconstruction plan

How did Southerners express their opposition to Reconstruction in the fall elections of 1865?

They elected former Confederates.

Why was reconstruction needed for the former confederacy?

The Constitution provided no guidance on secession or readmission of states.

Why were former confederates unable to vote during military Reconstruction?

they were unable to take an oath that they had been loyal to the union

Why did the north quit reconstruction?

Because ending Reconstruction meant reintegrating the former rebellious Confederate states into the United States on a full and equal basis, and ending occupation of these states by Federal troops. Ending Reconstruction meant the removal of all political disabilities imposed on the 11 southern states that had formed the Confederacy.

Who did Georgians choose as their two senators during Reconstruction?

Herschel Johnson (a former Confederate soldier) and Alexander Stephens (former vice president of the Confederacy)

Following the Civil War the political group which took the view of Reconstruction that harsh penalties needed to be doled out to former Confederates while giving full rights to Freedmen was called?

Democrats took the view of Reconstruction that harsh penalties needed to be doled out to former Confederates while giving full rights to Freedmen.

What did the reconstruction act do?

The Reconstruction Act divided former Confederacy (not including Tennessee) into five military districts. President Andrew Johnson vetoed the act ,though, on march 2 1867.

Why was reconstruction needed for former confederacy?

The Constitution provided no guidance on secession or readmission of states.

What was not a requirement of former Confederates states under the Reconstruction Act of 1867?

They would be divided into military districts headed by union generals