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Q: What impact did working in the meat packing plant have on workers?
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In what ways did the meat packing industry in Chicago defile the meat they were in charge of?

Meat packing industries had poor working conditions and unsanitary practices in the meat packing plants. Such as workers did not wash hands, no gloves, and also rodents would leave feces in the plant making it unsanitary.

What mood is created in the story at the Durham packing plant?

The mood created in the story at the Durham packing plant is one of tense anticipation and unease. The harsh working conditions, the fear of job loss, and the oppressive atmosphere contribute to a sense of foreboding and anxiety among the workers.

What do Marija and Elzbieta discover about the contamination of meat in the packing plant?

That the workers put the bad meat in with the good meat.

What is a packing plant?

A packing plant is a manufacturing warehouse where a product is prepared for shipping and handling.

Jurgis compared workers in factories to horses on the farm?

Jurgis compared workers in factories to horses on the farm to highlight how they were both viewed as expendable and easily replaceable entities, solely used for their labor without regard for their well-being or dignity. Just like horses on the farm, workers were seen as instrumental tools to be used and discarded once they were no longer useful.

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How does working in a meat packing plant affects ona and elzbieta?

Working in a meat packing plant negatively affects Ona and Elzbieta by subjecting them to long hours, dangerous working conditions, and low wages. It also exposes them to physical and emotional stress, leading to overall poor health and well-being. The harsh environment in the plant takes a toll on their mental and physical health, contributing to their struggles and hardships.

Health risk for working in a chicken processing plant?

The primary health risks of working in a chicken processing plant include:being cut by a cutting tool used in the processingergonomic injuries resulting form the rapid, repeated motions required on the cutting and packing linesslipping and falling

What was the lowest job in packing town the jungle?

In "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair, the lowest job in Packingtown was usually working on the killing beds or as a gutter boy. These were the most dangerous and gruesome jobs in the meatpacking industry, involving the slaughtering and processing of animals. Workers in these roles faced extremely harsh conditions and were often exposed to physical harm and health hazards.

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What mood is created at the Durham Packing Plant?

Intrigue is the mood that is created at the Durham Packing Plant.