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I think that after Chernobil The Russians would have developed ways to controll Nuclear waste and its affects on the environment. Maby because Russia is so large the single atomic bomb wouldent affect the overall population.

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Q: What impact would the atomic bomb have on Russia?
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Russia atomic bomb?

Yes, Russia has atomic bombs. But you have not yet asked a question.

Why russia fear the Americans atomic bomb?

you crazy , everyone fears an american atomic bomb .

When and where did the atomic bomb take place?

in russia in 2007

What impact did the atomic bomb cause?

a nuclear one.

Did Russia steal the atomic bomb?

They did steal all the information needed to make it. Read "The Making of the Atomic Bomb" by Richard Rhodes

When did Russia test their first atomic bomb?

August 1949

How did Russia get atomic bomb and When did they make it?

they made it no 300 A.d ==|::::::::::>

Who invented the first atomic bomb America or Soviet Russia?

The US .

Did russia ever used its atomic bomb?

In combat no, only the US has.

What countries were not in the war after the atomic bomb?

Russia (USSR) declared war on Japan right after the Hiroshima bomb.

What is the impact of the atomic bomb on today's society?

the impact is very big. they are a thret to everyone and our scioty is not promoting them.

What impact did the use of the atomic bomb have on the war?

It was the major contributor to ending the war.