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Roman Catholic AnswerI hate to say this, but many of the enduring effects of the Catholic Reform movement all but disappeared in the forty plus years of upheaval after the Second Vatican Council. All of the religious orders which were formed at this period: the Discalced Carmelites, the Jesuits, the Visitation Sisters, are all still here, although in a much reduced state. The Mass - perhaps the most visible and enduring of the reforms enacted by Pope Pius V is all but gone, although it is now (Spring 2012) showing signs of reviving. The fervor of the laity, frequent confession, etc. has also all but disappeared. The main enduring effect was the strengthening of the papacy, but we have not yet recovered the millions of souls lost through the protestant revolt, and this will be a stain which will still be around for a while.
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Q: What impacts of the Catholic Reformation can you still see in the world today?
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Probably this could be thought of as the church Luther began immediately after the Reformation. This was the Lutheran Church, which is still in existence today, particularly in Germany and Scandinavia.

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cool Today there can still be seen evidence of the dam. In 1834, when the San Diego ... was still standing. Today is continues as an active Catholic parish.

Do Lutherans believe in purgatory?

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