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It's called a rough endoplasmic reticulum.

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Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

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Q: What in a cell are tunnels for protein export?
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Protein 'tunnels' between animal cells through which materials can pass from cell-to-cell?

For animal cells it is called a "gap junction"

What puts the finishing touches on and packages the protein for export from the cell?

the Golgi complex, and synthesizes at smooth ER

Puts the finishing touches on and packages the protein for export from the cell?

The Golgi apparatus puts the finishing touches on and packages proteins for secretion by the cell.

Proteins are made on organelles called?

AnswerRibosomesOR:extrinsic protein which stick to the surface of lipidsintrinsic protein, some move freely within membranegateway protein, some free ones act as channels, tunnels. They regulate materials in/out.or you could be asking about peripheral protein and integral protein ^.^

Why does one kind of cell have a prominent Golgi complex while another kind of cell appers to lack this organelle?

Golgi complex package protein and export. Not all organelle require protein. where as the one that has prominent Golgi complex is located where it requires a lot of protein secretion like glands etc.

What is the membranous system consisting of flattened sacs and vesicles - packages protein for export?

That would be the Golgi Apparatus. Sorta like the post-office of the cell.

What does the endoplasm reticulum do?

The endoplasmic reticulum is a clear, tubular system of tunnels throughout the cell. It transports materials like proteins around the cell and is found in both plant and animals cells.

What places make protein in a cell?

they remove what the cell of protein is..

What organelles are involved in protein synthesis and export?

Nucleus>>E. Reticulum>>> Ribosomes>>>Vesicles>>>Goli>>>cell membrane.The DNA (and hence nucleus and chromosomes), mRNA, Ribosomes, tRNA.

What is an cell membran?

Protein, because thats what the cell membrane does (delivers protein to the cell)

How does a cell export a protein?

The protein is folded, then packaged for transport to the Golgi apparatus. The primary function of the Golgi apparatus is to process and package macromolecules, such as proteinsand lipids, after their synthesis and before they make their way to their destination; it is particularly important in the processing of proteins for secretion. The key term is secretion.