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Q: What in sarcoplasm causes a longer plateau in treppe formation?
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A revolution and the formation of the republic were the effects of the Romans no longer wanting a monarchy.A revolution and the formation of the republic were the effects of the Romans no longer wanting a monarchy.A revolution and the formation of the republic were the effects of the Romans no longer wanting a monarchy.A revolution and the formation of the republic were the effects of the Romans no longer wanting a monarchy.A revolution and the formation of the republic were the effects of the Romans no longer wanting a monarchy.A revolution and the formation of the republic were the effects of the Romans no longer wanting a monarchy.A revolution and the formation of the republic were the effects of the Romans no longer wanting a monarchy.A revolution and the formation of the republic were the effects of the Romans no longer wanting a monarchy.A revolution and the formation of the republic were the effects of the Romans no longer wanting a monarchy.

What is plateauing?

Generally speaking it's a point at which you reach your highest point/peak and level off, no longer gaining. In much the same way a plateau sits highest on cliff, and flattens off and no longer continues the rise of the cliff.

What mineral is needed to allow actin and myosin to interact?

In order for myosin to connect to actin's active sites, Ca ions must be released from storage in the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the sarcoplasm. A nerve impulse stimulates the release of Ca ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Once the Ca ions are released into the sarcoplasm, they bind to troponin. Once they bind to troponin, troponin no longer is bound to tropomyosin. Tropomyosin is now no longer covering up actin's active sites, thus allowing myosin to attach to actin's active sites.

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It helps preserve the orange and keep it fresh longer.

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Can you plataue after your first workout?

I think what you are referring to the term plateau as it is connected with physical fitness and more often in bodybuilding.A plateau is when you have worked out long enough that you seem to have reached a limit as far as the amount of exercise that you can do or the muscle growth that you have achieved.The way to overcome a plateau is to "Shock" the muscle or muscles into new growth or development. This is done primarily by changing the workout routine.When you plateau the muscles have adapted to your routine and are no longer stressed into growing. So the short answer to your question is that it is not possible to plateau after one workout. You must work out using the same routine so long that your muscles know it and have adapted to it.

Where does the phrase fall in come from?

"Fall In" is short for "Fall into Formation". Same for "Fall Out". Not sure who originated the longer version of the phrase.

Would you expect to have a longer or shorter cooking time at a high elevation?

Longer. The higher elevation causes the boiling point to decrease. Cook longer at higher elevations.

What is the advantage of the width of mitochondria being no more than 1 micrometer?

Basically,mitochondrion is responsible for the formation for the formation of ATP from carbohydrates. Its longer length allows more entry of carbohydrates n exist of ATP. If it were longer in width, it would imply longer time in exiting as the molecule would be travelling a relatively longer distance to exit. its shorter width therefore allows ATP to exit quickeras well as carbohydrates to get to the matrix quicker. Thats what i think.