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Q: What in the human body is made up of similar cells?
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Why is the human body can not function with out human cells?

Without cells a human body can't function.

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the human body is made primarily of diploid cells

Cells in a human body?

All living beings are made up of cells. Some of them are made up of only one cell and others have many cells. The adult human body is made up of about 37 trillion cells. WOW, that's a lot of cells.

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How are bacterial cell and human body cell similar?

*there are made of cells *there the basic unite of structure and function *there are cells produced from other cells

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What cells is the human body made of?

When a human fetus is in its mother's womb, all of the cells that start to develop in it are stem cells. stem cells can form into any other type cell found in the human body. as the fetus continues to develop, the stem cells will change into whatever cells the baby needs(i.e., they will change into all the cells found in the human body)

Why do you have so much body hair?

Your hair is made out of dead cells. It is the way of the human body.

How is a cell similar to a human being?

In a cell there is a part that has a specific job (nucleus=control center) just like a human (brain=controlls actions of body) __________________________________________________________________ Actually you cant say they are similar but humans are made of cells, trillions of them, and the type of cell is eukaryotic so we are eukaryotes and eukaryote is a type and there is only one other type known and that is the prokaryote which was the first cell.

What percent of the adult human body is water?

60% of the body is made up of water. In the body,90% of the cells in the body is made up of water

Is tissues in the human body made of cells woven like a web?
