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Q: What in the line of longitude passes near Mauritius and Rodrigues islands?
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Where are the countries that lie 20 degrees south longitude?

20 South is latitude. That parallel passes through Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Madagascar, Mauritius, Australia, the Cook Islands, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil.

What follows the 180 degree longitude line?

The 180° longitude line passes through the middle of the Pacific Ocean from the north to south poles. The International Date Lines roughly follows the 180° longitude line but deviates to pass around some territories and island groups. The 180° longitude line passes through island groups (Fiji, Aleutian Islands) and the easternmost part of Russian Siberia.

What line of longitude passes through harrow?


What is the starting degrees point of longitude?

Zero degrees longitude is the prime meridian, the line of longitude that passes through Greenwich, England.

Which longitude passes through china?

130° and 140° east longitude pass through Japan.35'n 139'e

What longitude passes through US?

Every longitude in the range of 66.9° West to 124.74° West, or in the range of 130.0° West to 172.44° East, passes through territory of the USA.

What is the longitude line that passes through greenwich?

Prime meridian

What line of longitude passes through Lybia?

blubber and fat

What is the longitude that passes through GreenwichEngland called?

The Prime Meridian.

Is a prime meridian a longitude line?

Yes. It is the longitude line that passes through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich near London, and is marked as Zero longitude.

What island does 76 degrees longitude passes through?

76 WEST longitude:The islands of Cuba, Exuma in the Bahamas, Ocracoke in North Carolina,Goose Island and others in the upper Chesapeake Bay, Wellesley Islandand others in the Thousand Islands National Park, Prince Charles Island,Ellesmere Island in northern Canada, Charcot Island and Spaatz Islandoff the coast of Antarctica, and about 1,120 miles of Antarctica itself.76 EAST longitude:The islands of Ostrov Neupokoyeva and Kosa Vostochnaya in Russia.Also about 1,400 miles of Antarctica.

Which is the district through which 70 degree e longitude passes?
