

What in the world is Kosovo?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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It is a state in southeastern Europe! hahah

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Q: What in the world is Kosovo?
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What is the newest state in the world?

Newest World's State is Kosovo!Kosovo stands in Eastern Europe near Albania,Macedonia,Montenegro and Serbia!!!

What country does Kosovo belong to?

Kosovo is currently a self-declared independent country. However, Serbia still lays claim to it and only around half of the world's nations have recognized Kosovo.

Does Kosovo have a world bank country code?

Hello, As I have a friend there, I know that Kosovo's world bank country code is 3 letters: XKX Hope it helps ))) Sergei

What was the name of Kosovo's previous name?

After World War II, Kosovo became a province of Serbia in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Who won in the kosovo war?

Kosovo won the kosovo war

Who is the Minister of the Kosovo Security Force for Kosovo?

Agim Ceku is the Minister of the Kosovo Security Force for Kosovo.

I look the weather sometimes but but idont see kosovo nowheer in the world maap why you dont put kosovo in ther because now kosovo is new land who is recognized from 57 countrys please dont forgot?

Probable reason is that no weather reporting stations in Kosovo, if any have been established, send their data to international reporting services. Can you contact any such weather offices in Kosovo ?

What is the Welsh for 'Kosovo'?


Is Kosovo a Country And Where Is It Situated?

Depends on who you ask. Kosovo itself has declared independence from Serbia, who refuses to recognize it. Some countries recognize Kosovo's independence, others do not. Currently there are 69 countries in the world that recognize Kosovo as an independent country. Use the link below to see a list of the countries that recognize Kosovo as independent.

If you are from Kosovo are you kosovian?

If you are from Kosovo, you are a Kosovan.

Postcode of kosovo?

postkode of kosovo i think is 10000 10000 is of capital city of Kosova, Prishtina as every country in the world in Kosova also every municipality has its own postcode

Which is the newest country?

The newest country in the world is currently Kosovo. Kosovo was part of Serbia until February 2008.South Sudan is the newest country of the world. South Sudan, on 9 July 2011, became independent from Sudan.