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Q: What increases as the electronegativity diffference?
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What happens to electronegativity as you go across a period?

The electronegativity increases

As you move across a period of a periodic table from left to right what happens to the elements electronegativity?

it decreases

How does electronegativity change across the period?

Electronegativity increases across a period. The non metallic character also increases.

What are the elecronegativity trends seen in the periodic table?

On the Periodic Table of elements, electronegativity increases as you move left to right across a period.

What trend does electronegativity follow?

In electronegativity, the first ionization energy increases as it moves from left to right across a period . The nuclear charge also increases and the shielding effect is constant when moving across.

How can the periodic table be used to look at relative electronegativity of elements?

Fluorine is the most electronegative element. Down any group, electronegativity increases and across a period (from left to right), electronegativity increases.

Which direction do electronegativity increases?

The electronegativity increases as you move bottom to top, and left to right on the periodic table. Why? Because you are moving towards Fluorine, which is the most electronegative element.

What increases as you move up a column of the periodic table?

Electronegativity, ionization energy, electron affinity, and atomic number are values that increase from left to right across a period.

How does Electronegativity trend across the periodic table?

Electronegativity increases across a period (left to right).

Is it true or is it false Electronegativity increases continuously as atomic number increases?

False, because the only element with the highest Electronegativity is hydrogen and the atomic number is 1.

What is the period trend for electronegativity?

As you move from left to right across the periodic table, electronegativity increases, and as you move down the table electronegativity decreases.

What is period trend for electronegativity?

As you move from left to right across the Periodic Table, electronegativity increases, and as you move down the table electronegativity decreases.