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False, because the only element with the highest Electronegativity is hydrogen and the atomic number is 1.

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Q: Is it true or is it false Electronegativity increases continuously as atomic number increases?
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What increases as you move up a column of the periodic table?

Electronegativity, ionization energy, electron affinity, and atomic number are values that increase from left to right across a period.

When looking across a period of the periodic table from left to right when happens to the atomic number and electronegativity?

As you move from the left to right, the atomic number increases. Also, the electronegativity increases.

Why does the electronegativity increase as the atomic number increases?

The number of electrons increases with the atomic number. So the electronegativity increases with the atomic number. Not quite. Electronegativity doesn't consistently increase with atomic number. For example, F is more electronegative than Na, even though Na has a higher atomic number.

What increases as you move right across a period in the periodic table?

Atomic number, ionization energy and electronegativity

What major change occurs as you move from left to right across periodic table?

the atoms of the element are less reactive and smaller. they are smaller because of the larger amount of valence electrons compacting the atom.What_moves_left_to_right_on_the_periodic_table

What happens to electrons when you move from left to right across a period?

I think you are talking about electroNEGATIVITY. It increases as move from left to right and increases from bottom to top. Check out Fluorine, it has the highest electronegativity, about 4.00

What occurs as you move from the left to the right on the periodic table?

Many properties change as you move from left to right on the periodic table. For example: atomic number increases; electronegativity increases; atomic radii decrease etc. etc.

What trend pattern do you see as you move left to right on the periodic table?

As we move from left to right, the atomic number increases, the ionisation energy increases, the electronegativity increases, the electronaffinity increases.

What is the trend electronegative as atomic number increase across the period?

Electronegativity increases across a period. Element becomes more negatively charged.

What happens to the number of electrons in an atom when the atomic number increases?

The atomic number is specific to the element itself - not the quantity. It does not change as you add in more of the element.

Why does atomic size tend to decrease with increasing atomic number across a row of the periodic table?


The atomic number increases but the atomic mass stays the same?

The atomic number increases but the atomic mass stays the same after the emission of a beta particle by a radioactive atom.