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Q: What increases the risk of injury if a person is shocked?
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How does orienteering lower the risk of injury?

Osteoarthritis of the spine increases the risk of whiplash injury.

Anything that increases the chance of disease or injury?

A risk factor.

Can a risk factor be defined as anything that increases the likelihood of injury or disease?


Can risk factor be defined as anything that increases the likelihood of injury or disease?


Can a risk factor can be defined as anything that increases the likelihood of injury or disease?


Traveling faster than the speed limit increases both the risk and the?

Traveling faster than the speed limit increase the risk of accidents. It also increases the risk of bodily injury in the case of an accident.

What potential danger results from nerve damage caused by leprosy?

The loss of sensation in the fingers and toes increases the risk of injury.

What is meant by the the term risk factor?

A risk factor is any trait, behavior, or condition that increases a person's chance of getting injured or getting a disease. For example, smoking is a risk factor because it increases a person's chance of getting lung cancer and Heart disease.

What are risk factors for whiplash injuries?

Osteoarthritis of the spine increases the risk of whiplash injury. So do poor driving habits, driving in bad weather, or driving when tired, tense,

What is overload Explain whether overload is good or bad?

Overload is working to hard or pushing past your limits. it is bad because it increases your risk of injury.

What makes one person more at risk for the disease than another?

Family history of alcoholism and/or drug abuse increases risk . Alcohol and drug usage/abuse while very young (before age 18) also increases risk.

What is the definition of criminal endangerment?

Criminal endangerment, frequently called reckless endangerment, is defined as reckless actions in which a person creates risk of serious injury to another person. The penalty for endangerment depends on the state the crime is committed in and the extent of injury.