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Q: What influence did the Islamic Qur'ran and Hadith have on other societies?
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What is in the qurran?


What does the qurran mean?

the Qur'an is the last celestial book which is the holy book for all Muslims and life giude for all humanity.

When did Qurran come on earth?

at the beginning of time when the first man(adam) and the first women (eve) came to earth it was about some time then :)

Do Muslims follow the bible?

The Qur'an sometimes spelled Koran. There are also other important books along with the Koran. The Suhuf, scrolls of Abraham, the Tawrat, the first five texts of the Hebrew Scriptures, the Zabur, Psalms of Hebrew scriptures, and the Injil, gospels or words from Jesus. There is also the Hadith but it's just sayings from Muhammad. Since the Suhuf, Tawrat, Zabur, and Injil (mentioned above) are all either lost or have been changed by mankind Muslims dont really study these for learning about Islam, the read these to learn about what other religions think and what they believe. Muslims primarily read the Quran (the spelling differs because this is not an English term, but an Arabic one) and read documented and authentic Hadith or sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (Hadith can be of many types: sound, unsupported, etc. but there are certain books that have been compiled and only list authentic Hadith)

What were some of the main religions obligations of Muslims?

Well, the muslim religion was originally intended to be a completely peacful practice. The original intentions were to spread theri beliefs in a peaceful non harmful mannor. They were also obligated to protect the so called homeland of their religion in the middle east (this isn't accurate though because jews were first in the middle east than christians, catholics and finally muslims). They are also sworn to protect the name of jesus christ and all other prophets. But most of these obligations were destroyed when the Qurran was rewritten and their goal was to destroy all non believers "though shall hunt down the infidel swines of heathen religions". Hope this helps you understand the religion.

According to Islamic belief how and where did Muhammad receive revelations from God?

u can buy an English translation qurran. don't worry my brother or sister ALLAH SAID HE WILL preserve the sacred book and for 1400 years not a single verse of the qurran is changed.

How are the sunni and shi'a different from each other?

dear brother or sisterthe big difference between shia and sunni is that shia can be proved by books of sunni,but they cant prove their right by their book.they believe that Abu-Bakr ,Omar,Othman,are right,and they are more worthy to be successor sfter prophit Muhammad,but shia prove by qurran and books of sunni that ali is the best onefor being caliph. for example:Dear brotherAll these things that I am going to tell you are originated from sunni book, so if you would not maybe accept them, don't angry with me, ok?And maybe you find some mistake in type,ignore them please.Attention:in yhis text, "your scientist" means sunniIn The name Of God The Most Merciful & The Most Gracious.1. Question: about abu -Bakr and caveDose abu-bakr worthy to be the 1st caliph?آیه 40 سوره 9 (توبه):(فقد نصره الله اذ اخرجه الذین کفروا ثانی اثنین اذهما فی الغار اذ یقول صاحبه لا تحزن ان الله معنا فانزل الله سکینه علیه و ایده بجنود لم تروها».Ø Answer:Maybe you think because prophit took 1st caliph with himself to cave so he was the best and the most nearest person to prophet mohamad. It means 1st caliph was batter than Omar, Othman and Ali, so because he was better than & them prophet wanted to save him from dangerous.If the theory wich is given above was true, prophet mohamad should have taken 4 caliphs to the cave with himself & he should not have let Ali lie down on mohamad's bed instead of him (prophet).In Tabari history wich one of your scientist in the 3rd chapter of his book says: Abu-Bakr did not any information about prophet movement to the cave, but when Abu-Bakr refer to Ali, Ali told him that prophet had gone to cave, if you want to visit him let's go to see him enroat (on way) and then abu-Bakr went and prophet was on way then Abu-Bakr went with prophet. Therefor we can understand this fact that prophet Mohammad did not take him with himself. I mean that was a accidental event. and the other reason wich is originated from your book:شیخ ابوالقاسم بن صباغ(wich one of your famous scientist) say :فی الکتاب النور و البرهان from محمدبن اسحاقfrom حسان بن ثابت انصاری:I went to Mikka befor Rasol Allah hijrat, I saw unbelievers of quraysh who were sweating at Sahabeh, thenامر رسول الله صلی علیه و آله و سلم: علیاً فنام فی فراشه و خشی بن ابن ابی قحافه ان یدلهم علیه فاخذه معه و مضی الی الغار.And going to the cave with prophit Mohammad it would never mean Abu-Bakr is the best worthy person to be caliph I prove it by Quran:1- آیه 39 سوره 12 (یوسف)which is conveyed from Uosouf:یا صاحبی السجن ءاَرباب متفرقون خیر ام الله الواحد القهار.2 brother who wereمؤمن & کافر were with each other for 5 years in the jail and they were with each other during these 5 years that Uosouf was with them and giving his religion to them, but at the end they seprated without any changing.Brother, that was just an example that prove being with a prominent character, it does not mean someone who is being with Uosouf is good person. or is the best one.I tell you agine, that was just an example.2- آیه 37 سوره 18 (کهف): قال له صاحبه و هو یحاوره اکفرت بالذی خلقک من تراب ثم من نطفه ثم سوئک رجلا»."Emam Al-Fakhr Razi who" was one of your scientist conveyed:There were two brother, named "Yahoda" who was مؤمن and another one "Bratos" who was کافر. They had relationship with each other, and Qurran accepts them as someones who had relationship with each other. Did Bratos gain anything of being with Yahoda who was مؤمن? absoloutly no.So having relationship with someone or having negotiation with someone cant increase our situation, in comparison with another.If you think, Since prophet saied to Abu-Bakr ان الله معنا it means he is the best one for caliph, noسوره 58 (مجادله) الم تر ان الله یعلم ما فی السماوات و ما فی الارض ما یکون من نجوی ثلاثه الا هو رابعهم و لا خمسه الا هو سادسهم و لا ادنی من ذلک و لا اکثر الا هو معهم این ما کانوافانزل الله سکینه علیهif you sayفانزل الله سکینه علیه و ایده بجنود لم تروهاis refer to prophet Mohamad, you are right, but surefire it would never refer to Abu-Bakr or both of them, because: if we say سکینه and ایده بجنود... refers to both of them so we should use popular pronouns.if you say prophet did not need to سکینه but Abu-Bakr neadeds.1. answerآیه 26 سوره 9 (توبه): «ثم انزل الله السکینه علی رسوله و علی المؤمنین»Therefore is Abu-Bakr was one of مؤمنین (I don't want say he were not)Allah used popular pronoun.و اذ یقول لصاحبه لا تحزنif being sad was good, prophet would never said to Abu-Bakr «لا تحزن»if he was one of God's man he should not has been sad.آیه 62 سوره 10 (یونس): «الا ان اولیاء الله لا خوف علیهم و لا هم یحزنون»نهج­البلاغه، ص 253 تا 281 - you can refer to the 3rd book of explanation.You yourself judge who were more worthy to be caliph with these thing wich I tell you from your book.آیه 29، سوره 48 (فتح): «محمد رسول الله و الذین معه اشداء علی الکفار رحماء بینهم تواهم رکعاً سجداً یبتغون فضلاً من الله و رضواناً سیماهم فی وجوههم من اثر الجود».محمدبن یوسف گنجی شافعی فی الباب 23 کفایه الطالبby conveing "resemble hadith" wich prophet Mohamad resembled Ali like انبیاء:انه (علیه السلام) کان شدیداً علی الکافرین رؤفا بالمؤمنین کما وصفه الله تعالی فی القرآن بقوله و الذین معه اشداء علی الکفار رحماء بینهمand about «والذین معه» we cant say that was Abu-Bakr as I told and will tell you.If I want tell you about «الذین معه» we can say Ali is more near to this Ayah and he is more referable because of these thing I'm going to tell you:1. Ali was the first person who believed in prophet Mohammad.Your scientist say:نجاری و مسلم فی صحیحین و امام احمد حنبل فی مسند و امام عبد البد فی صفحه 32 (3rd of) استیعاب و امام عبدالرحمن نسائی فی خصائص العلوی و سب طلبن جوزی فی صفحه 63 تذکره و شیخ سلیمان بلخی حنفی فی الباب 12 ینابیع الموده (from) ترمزی و مسلم و محمدبن طلحه شافعی فی الفصل الاول مطالب السئول و ابن ابی الحدید فی صفحه 258 (explanation نهج­البلاغه3rd of) و ترمزی فی صفحه 214 (2nd book of)جامع و حموینی فی فوائد و میر سید علی همدانی فی الموده القربی:say:1- بعث النبی فی یوم الأنثین و امن علی یوم الثلاث2- بعث النبی فی یوم الاثنین و صلی علی معه یوم ثلاث3- انه(علی) اول من امن برسول الله من الذکور2. Ali had trained by prophet Mohamad since his childhoodنورالدین صباغ مالکی فی صفحه 16 فصول المهمه: your sciensit one ofالفصل تربیته النبی و محمدبن طلحه شافعی فی صفحه 11 from (مطالب السئوال)say: because of starvation Mohamad accept Ali to train him wittingly from his father.Maleki says: Ali was with Mohamad consecutively till god accepted Mohammad as a prophet then Ali believed in him & accept and obey him, when he was 13-14.and not adult. And after khadijah he was the first person who believed in Islam among men.Anas-Ebn-Malek sayed:احمدبن حنبل فی المسند و خطیب خوارزمی فی المناقب و سلیمان بلخی حنقی فی الباب 12 یقابیع الموده: قال رسول الله صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم: صلت الملائکه علی و علی علی سبع سنین و ذلک انه لم تدفع شهاده ان لا اله الا الله الی السماء الا منی و من علی.فی الآخر الباب 12 ینابیع from مناقبfrom ابی الزبیر ملکی from جابربن عبدالله انصاری، قال رسول الله صلی الله علیه و آله: «ان الله تبارک و تعالی اصطفانی و اختارنی و جعلنی رسولا و انزل علیّ سید الکتب، فقلت الهی و سیدی انک ارسلت موسی الی فرعون فسئلک أن تجعل معه اخاه هرون وزیراً یشد به عضده و یصدق به قوله و انی اسئلک یا سیدی و الهی أن تجعل لی من اهلی وزیراً تشد به عضدی فاجعل لی علیاً وزیراً و اخاً و اجعل الشجاعه فی قلبه و البسه الهییه علی عدوه و هو اول من آمن بی و صدقنی و أول من وحد الله معی و ان سئلت ذلک ربی عزوجل فاعطانیه فهو سید الاوصیاء اللحوق به سعاده و الموت فی طاعته شهاده و اسمه فی التوریه مقرون الی اسمی و زوجته صدیقه الکبری ابنتی و ابناه سید اشباب اهل الجنه ابنای و هو و هما و الائمه من بعد هم حجج الله علی خلقه بعد النبیین و هم ابواب العلم فی امتی من تبعهم نجی من النار و من اقتدی بهم هدی الی صراط مستقیم له یهب الله محبتهم لعبد الا ادخله الله الجنه انتهی. (فاعتبروا یا اولی الابصار).and from your book:یا علی انت اول المؤمنین ایمانا و اولهم اسلاما و انت منی بمنزله هارون من موسی.امام احمدبن حنبل فی المسند: from ابن عباس ابوعبیدهwho saied, me (ابن عباس) and Abu-Bakr and بن جراح and the other of sahabeh were sitting near prophet and he taped on Ali shoulder and saied.انت اول المسلمین اسلاما و انت اول المؤمنین ایمانا و انت منی بمنزله هارون من موسی کذب یا علی من زعم انه یحبنی و لیفضلکحافظ ابونعیمه اصفهانی فی مانزل القرآن فی علی و یرید علی همدانی فی الموده القربی from ابن عباس.و الله مانند عبدانی بالله الا و قد عبد الصنم الا علی بن: saied ابی طالب فانه امن بالله من غیر ان لیعبد صنماًand as your scienitist saied:1- ان علینا لم یکفر بالله طرفه عین2- انه (علی) لم یعبد صنما و لم یشرب خمرا و کان اول الناس الاماابن مغازلی شافعی فی فضائل و امام احمدبن حنبل فی المسند و الخطیب الخوارزمی فی مناقب و السلیمان البلخی حنفی فی ینابیعsaied from prophet:قال رسول الله صلی الله علیه و آله: لو وزن ایمان علی و ایمان امتی ارجح ایمان علی علی ایمان امتی الی یوم القیامهخطیب خوارزمی فی المناقب و امام الثعلبی فی التفسیرsaied, that Omar saied:لو ان السماوات السبع وضعن فی کفه میزان و ضع ایمان علی فی کفه میزان ارجح ایمان علیMost of your scientist believe that Ali is افضل, such as Ebn-Abel-hadid on page 40 of 30th of Nahjol-balaghah explanation, after some explanation says:ان افضل المسلمین علی ابن ابی طالب ثم ابنه الحسن ثم ابه الحسین له حمزه بن عبدالمطلب ثم جعفر ابن ابی طالب.andProphit Mohamad after killing عمروبن عبدود by Ali, saied: ضربه علی یوم الخندق افضل من عباده الثقلین: when just one attack of him is more worthy than عباده الثقلین who is the most reasonable man to be caliph after Mohamad as your scientist saied?آیه 207 سوره 2 (بقره)، «و من الناس من یشری نفسه ابتغاء مرضات الله و الله رئوف بالعباد».Many of your scientist (sunni)believe that ayah came down about Ali and they say sleeping on Mohammad's bed is better than being with Mohamad in the cave.فی الاخر صفحه 271 from ابوجعفر اسکافیابوعثمان جاظ ناصبی as an answersaied:« قد بینا فضیله المبیت علی الفراش علی فضیله الصحبه فی الغار بما هو واضح لمن انصف و نزیدهنها تأکیدا بما لم نذکره فیما تقدم فنقول ان فضله المبیت علی الفراش علی الصحبه فی الغار لوجهین احد هما ان علیاً(ع) قد کان انس بالنبی(ص) و حصل له بمصاحبته قدیماً انس عظیم و الف شدید فلما فارقه عدم لذک الانس و حصل به ابوبکر فکان ما یجده علی(ع) من الوحشه و الم الفرقه موجبا زیاده ثوابه لان الثواب علی قدر المشقه - و ثانیهما ان ابابکر کان یؤثر الخروج من مکه و قد کان خرج من قبل فرد فازداد کراهیه للمقام فلما خرج مع رسول الله(س) و افق ذلک هوی قلبه و محبوب نفسه فلم یکن له من الفضیله ما یوازی فضیله من احتمال المشقه العظیمه و عرض نفسه لوقع السیوف و رأسه لرضخ الحجاره لان علی قدر سهوله العباده یکون نقصان الثواب».and the last oneOmar declares Ali is taken precedence Over him.«لو لا علی لهلک عمر»refrences:- قاضی فضل الله بن روزبهان متعصب فی ابطال الباطل- ابن حجر عسقلانی متوفی سنه 852 فی ص 337 تهذیب التهذیب heydar abad duplicat))- حاج احمد افندی فی صفحه 146 و 152 هدایت المرتاب- ابن اثیر جزری متوفی سنه 630 فی صفحه 22 جلد الرابع اسد الغابه- جلال الدین سیوطی فی صفحه 66 تاریخ الخلفاء- ابن عبدالبر قرطبی متوفی فی سنه 463 فی ص 474 جلد دوم استیعاب- محمدبن علی الصبان فی ص 152 اسعاف الراغبین- علامه قوشچی فی صفحه 407 شرح تجرید- خطیب خوارزمی فی صفحه 48 و 60 مناقب- امام احمدبن حنبل فی فضائل و مسند- سبط ابن جوزی فی صفحه 85 و 87 تذکره- امام ثعلبی فی تفسیر کشف البیانBrother there are lots of thing you have to know.I will answer to all questions of you in betther time, send your question to my email.alirezabagherian13@yahoo.comMaybe you say, ok, I agree that Ali is right to be the first caliph but why we swear him, I'll answer you, but first of all you have to remove any rabidity from your heart to can take the truth.الهی قلوبنا بحبک متیماI'm waiting for your question