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Q: What influences that made muslim civilization great?
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Some things that makes China's civilization best is the rulers, armies, and great organization.

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about 35 years

What influences history?

It influences it by showing how things were made back then.

What was the significance of the crusades and the impact it had on the west and Muslim societies?

I think that the crusades didn't leave much impact on Muslim societies as it made to the crusaders themselves . they bring with them back to Europe the Islamic foods,Textiles industry and many others things which Europe in these ages of darkness couldn't understand ;so the impact of the Great Islamic civilization could be seen clearly in even in the world of nowadays

How did Greeks contribute to the history of western civilization?

They made a lot of mathematical discoveries and inventions and founded the world's first democracy. Their culture, including their religion, art and architecture have been major influences on many others for pretty much the entirety of history from the time of Alexander the Great (all of it apart from the dark ages).

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Confucius was not a negative influence. In fact, he was one of the most Famous philosophers of China. He made a great impact on the administration of China.

Why Hazrat Umar made Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed the deputy commander of Muslim Army?

He had great talent as a military leader.

Was Akbar Muslim or non-Muslim?

Akbar was a Muslim, and he made India tolerant to all religions.

Can Muslim man convert to Christian to marry Christian girl?

No it would be a GREAT sin on him if he did so. Allah has also made it halal for the Muslim man to marry a practising Jewish or Christian woman (people of the book)

What did the Aztec rulers do?

The Aztec ruler had great structures built, similar to the Egyptian rulers. They also made laws and headed the military of the civilization.

What group of people charted the stars and planets and made great advances in science and medicine?

The Muslim Empire group charted the stars and planets.